Search Results for author: Jiaming Hu

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

4M-21: An Any-to-Any Vision Model for Tens of Tasks and Modalities

1 code implementation13 Jun 2024 Roman Bachmann, Oğuzhan Fatih Kar, David Mizrahi, Ali Garjani, Mingfei Gao, David Griffiths, Jiaming Hu, Afshin Dehghan, Amir Zamir

In this paper, we expand upon the capabilities of them by training a single model on tens of highly diverse modalities and by performing co-training on large-scale multimodal datasets and text corpora.

Instance Segmentation multimodal generation +1

Meta-Modeling of Assembly Contingencies and Planning for Repair

no code implementations12 Mar 2021 Priyam Parashar, Aayush Naik, Jiaming Hu, Henrik I. Christensen

The World Robotics Challenge (2018 & 2020) was designed to challenge teams to design systems that are easy to adapt to new tasks and to ensure robust operation in a semi-structured environment.

Character Level Based Detection of DGA Domain Names

no code implementations ICLR 2018 Bin Yu, Jie Pan, Jiaming Hu, Anderson Nascimento, Martine De Cock

Recently several different deep learning architectures have been proposed that take a string of characters as the raw input signal and automatically derive features for text classification.

General Classification text-classification +1

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