Search Results for author: Jian Lu

Found 20 papers, 6 papers with code

Revisiting Multi-Modal LLM Evaluation

no code implementations9 Aug 2024 Jian Lu, Shikhar Srivastava, Junyu Chen, Robik Shrestha, Manoj Acharya, Kushal Kafle, Christopher Kanan

With the advent of multi-modal large language models (MLLMs), datasets used for visual question answering (VQA) and referring expression comprehension have seen a resurgence.

Chart Understanding Optical Character Recognition +4

EMBANet: A Flexible Efffcient Multi-branch Attention Network

no code implementations7 Jul 2024 Keke Zu, Hu Zhang, Jian Lu, Lei Zhang, Chen Xu

The proposed MBC module brings new degrees of freedom (DoF) for the design of attention networks by allowing the type of transformation operators and the number of branches to be flexibly adjusted.

Orthogonal Constrained Minimization with Tensor $\ell_{2,p}$ Regularization for HSI Denoising and Destriping

no code implementations4 Jul 2024 Xiaoxia Liu, Shijie Yu, Jian Lu, Xiaojun Chen

The model of the proposed NLTL2p approach is built based on a new sparsity-enhanced Nonlocal Low-rank Tensor regularization and a tensor $\ell_{2, p}$ norm with $p\in(0, 1)$.


LE-SSL-MOS: Self-Supervised Learning MOS Prediction with Listener Enhancement

no code implementations17 Nov 2023 Zili Qi, Xinhui Hu, Wangjin Zhou, Sheng Li, Hao Wu, Jian Lu, Xinkang Xu

In this paper, we proposed a novel fusion model for MOS prediction that combines supervised and unsupervised approaches.

Ensemble Learning Language Modelling +2

OSRE: Object-to-Spot Rotation Estimation for Bike Parking Assessment

1 code implementation1 Mar 2023 Saghir Alfasly, Zaid Al-huda, Saifullah Bello, Ahmed Elazab, Jian Lu, Chen Xu

However, estimating object rotation with respect to other visual objects in the visual context of an input image still lacks deep studies due to the unavailability of object datasets with rotation annotations.

image smoothing Object +1

Learnable Irrelevant Modality Dropout for Multimodal Action Recognition on Modality-Specific Annotated Videos

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Saghir Alfasly, Jian Lu, Chen Xu, Yuru Zou

However, effectively leveraging the audio modality in vision-specific annotated videos for action recognition is of particular challenge.

Action Recognition

A three-dimensional dual-domain deep network for high-pitch and sparse helical CT reconstruction

no code implementations7 Jan 2022 Wei Wang, Xiang-Gen Xia, Chuanjiang He, Zemin Ren, Jian Lu

By embedding our implementation into the network, we propose an end-to-end deep network for the high pitch helical CT reconstruction with sparse detectors.

CT Reconstruction

EPSANet: An Efficient Pyramid Squeeze Attention Block on Convolutional Neural Network

3 code implementations30 May 2021 Hu Zhang, Keke Zu, Jian Lu, Yuru Zou, Deyu Meng

Recently, it has been demonstrated that the performance of a deep convolutional neural network can be effectively improved by embedding an attention module into it.

Image Classification Instance Segmentation +3

Robust Graph Learning Under Wasserstein Uncertainty

no code implementations10 May 2021 Xiang Zhang, Yinfei Xu, Qinghe Liu, Zhicheng Liu, Jian Lu, Qiao Wang

To this end, we propose a graph learning framework using Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization (WDRO) which handles uncertainty in data by defining an uncertainty set on distributions of the observed data.

Graph Learning

Expansions in multiple bases over general alphabets

no code implementations19 Feb 2021 Yuru Zou, Vilmos Komornik, Jian Lu

Expansions in non-integer bases have been extensively investigated since a pioneering work of R\'enyi.

Combinatorics Number Theory 11A63 (Primary) 37B10 (Secondary)

Liquefaction-induced Plasticity from Entropy-boosted Amorphous Ceramics

no code implementations1 Feb 2021 Haidong Bian, Quanfeng He, Junhua Luan, Yu Bu, Yong Yang, Zhengtao Xu, Jian Lu, Yang Yang Li

Ceramics are easy to break, and very few generic mechanisms are available for improving their mechanical properties, e. g., the 1975-discovered anti-fracture mechanism is strictly limited to zirconia and hafnia.

Materials Science

A New Weighting Scheme for Fan-beam and Circle Cone-beam CT Reconstructions

no code implementations6 Jan 2021 Wei Wang, Xiang-Gen Xia, Chuanjiang He, Zemin Ren, Jian Lu, Tianfu Wang, Baiying Lei

In this paper, we first present an arc based algorithm for fan-beam computed tomography (CT) reconstruction via applying Katsevich's helical CT formula to 2D fan-beam CT reconstruction.

ARC Computed Tomography (CT) +2

Multi-scale Receptive Fields Graph Attention Network for Point Cloud Classification

1 code implementation28 Sep 2020 Xi-An Li, Lei Zhang, Li-Yan Wang, Jian Lu

The proposed MRFGAT architecture is tested on ModelNet10 and ModelNet40 datasets, and results show it achieves state-of-the-art performance in shape classification tasks.

Classification General Classification +2

Analysis of Adaptive Synchrosqueezing Transform with a Time-varying Parameter

no code implementations22 Aug 2020 Jian Lu, Qingtang Jiang, Lin Li

The WSST with a time-varying parameter, called the adaptive WSST, was introduced very recently in the paper "Adaptive synchrosqueezing transform with a time-varying parameter for non-stationary signal separation".

A model-guided deep network for limited-angle computed tomography

1 code implementation10 Aug 2020 Wei Wang, Xiang-Gen Xia, Chuanjiang He, Zemin Ren, Jian Lu, Tianfu Wang, Baiying Lei

In this paper, we first propose a variational model for the limited-angle computed tomography (CT) image reconstruction and then convert the model into an end-to-end deep network. We use the penalty method to solve the model and divide it into three iterative subproblems, where the first subproblem completes the sinograms by utilizing the prior information of sinograms in the frequency domain and the second refines the CT images by using the prior information of CT images in the spatial domain, and the last merges the outputs of the first two subproblems.

Computed Tomography (CT) Image Reconstruction

A deep network for sinogram and CT image reconstruction

1 code implementation20 Jan 2020 Wei Wang, Xiang-Gen Xia, Chuanjiang He, Zemin Ren, Jian Lu, Tianfu Wang, Baiying Lei

A CT image can be well reconstructed when the sampling rate of the sinogram satisfies the Nyquist criteria and the sampled signal is noise-free.

Denoising Image Reconstruction +1

HBE: Hand Branch Ensemble Network for Real-time 3D Hand Pose Estimation

no code implementations ECCV 2018 Yidan Zhou, Jian Lu, Kuo Du, Xiangbo Lin, Yi Sun, Xiaohong Ma

The structural design inspiration of the HBE network comes from the understanding of the differences in the functional importance of different fingers.

3D Hand Pose Estimation

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no code implementations27 Nov 2013 Yuan Yao, Hanghang Tong, Tao Xie, Leman Akoglu, Feng Xu, Jian Lu

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