Search Results for author: Jian-Fang Hu

Found 18 papers, 3 papers with code

SAUGE: Taming SAM for Uncertainty-Aligned Multi-Granularity Edge Detection

1 code implementation17 Dec 2024 Xing Liufu, Chaolei Tan, Xiaotong LIN, Yonggang Qi, Jinxuan Li, Jian-Fang Hu

Edge labels are typically at various granularity levels owing to the varying preferences of annotators, thus handling the subjectivity of per-pixel labels has been a focal point for edge detection.

Edge Detection

TechCoach: Towards Technical Keypoint-Aware Descriptive Action Coaching

no code implementations26 Nov 2024 Yuan-Ming Li, An-Lan Wang, Kun-Yu Lin, Yu-Ming Tang, Ling-An Zeng, Jian-Fang Hu, Wei-Shi Zheng

To bridge this gap, we investigate a new task termed Descriptive Action Coaching (DAC) which requires a model to provide detailed commentary on what is done well and what can be improved beyond a quality score from an action execution.

Action Assessment Descriptive

SynopGround: A Large-Scale Dataset for Multi-Paragraph Video Grounding from TV Dramas and Synopses

no code implementations3 Aug 2024 Chaolei Tan, Zihang Lin, Junfu Pu, Zhongang Qi, Wei-Yi Pei, Zhi Qu, Yexin Wang, Ying Shan, Wei-Shi Zheng, Jian-Fang Hu

Based on the dataset, we further introduce a more complex setting of video grounding dubbed Multi-Paragraph Video Grounding (MPVG), which takes as input multiple paragraphs and a long video for grounding each paragraph query to its temporal interval.

Natural Language Queries Video Grounding

Progressive Pretext Task Learning for Human Trajectory Prediction

1 code implementation16 Jul 2024 Xiaotong LIN, Tianming Liang, JianHuang Lai, Jian-Fang Hu

In the final stage, the model aims to address the entire future trajectory task by taking full advantage of the knowledge from previous stages.

Knowledge Distillation Trajectory Prediction

Ranking Distillation for Open-Ended Video Question Answering with Insufficient Labels

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Tianming Liang, Chaolei Tan, Beihao Xia, Wei-Shi Zheng, Jian-Fang Hu

This paper focuses on open-ended video question answering, which aims to find the correct answers from a large answer set in response to a video-related question.

Multi-Label Classification MUlTI-LABEL-ClASSIFICATION +2

Siamese Learning with Joint Alignment and Regression for Weakly-Supervised Video Paragraph Grounding

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Chaolei Tan, JianHuang Lai, Wei-Shi Zheng, Jian-Fang Hu

Different from previous weakly-supervised grounding frameworks based on multiple instance learning or reconstruction learning for two-stage candidate ranking, we propose a novel siamese learning framework that jointly learns the cross-modal feature alignment and temporal coordinate regression without timestamp labels to achieve concise one-stage localization for WSVPG.

Multiple Instance Learning

Hierarchical Semantic Correspondence Networks for Video Paragraph Grounding

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Chaolei Tan, Zihang Lin, Jian-Fang Hu, Wei-Shi Zheng, JianHuang Lai

Specifically, we develop a hierarchical encoder that encodes the multi-modal inputs into semantics-aligned representations at different levels.

Decoder Sentence +1

Collaborative Static and Dynamic Vision-Language Streams for Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Zihang Lin, Chaolei Tan, Jian-Fang Hu, Zhi Jin, Tiancai Ye, Wei-Shi Zheng

The static stream performs cross-modal understanding in a single frame and learns to attend to the target object spatially according to intra-frame visual cues like object appearances.

Object Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding +1

STVGFormer: Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding with Static-Dynamic Cross-Modal Understanding

no code implementations6 Jul 2022 Zihang Lin, Chaolei Tan, Jian-Fang Hu, Zhi Jin, Tiancai Ye, Wei-Shi Zheng

The static branch performs cross-modal understanding in a single frame and learns to localize the target object spatially according to intra-frame visual cues like object appearances.

Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding Video Grounding

Action-guided 3D Human Motion Prediction

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Jiangxin Sun, Zihang Lin, Xintong Han, Jian-Fang Hu, Jia Xu, Wei-Shi Zheng

The ability of forecasting future human motion is important for human-machine interaction systems to understand human behaviors and make interaction.

Human motion prediction motion prediction

Augmented 2D-TAN: A Two-stage Approach for Human-centric Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding

no code implementations20 Jun 2021 Chaolei Tan, Zihang Lin, Jian-Fang Hu, Xiang Li, Wei-Shi Zheng

We propose an effective two-stage approach to tackle the problem of language-based Human-centric Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding (HC-STVG) task.

Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding Video Grounding

Predictive Feature Learning for Future Segmentation Prediction

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Zihang Lin, Jiangxin Sun, Jian-Fang Hu, QiZhi Yu, Jian-Huang Lai, Wei-Shi Zheng

In the latent feature learned by the autoencoder, global structures are enhanced and local details are suppressed so that it is more predictive.


Improving Fast Segmentation With Teacher-student Learning

no code implementations19 Oct 2018 Jiafeng Xie, Bing Shuai, Jian-Fang Hu, Jingyang Lin, Wei-Shi Zheng

Recently, segmentation neural networks have been significantly improved by demonstrating very promising accuracies on public benchmarks.


Early action prediction by soft regression

no code implementations IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2018 Jian-Fang Hu, Wei-Shi Zheng, Lianyang Ma, Gang Wang, Jian-Huang Lai, Jian-Guo Zhang

Our formulation of soft regression framework 1) overcomes a usual assumption in existing early action prediction systems that the progress level of on-going sequence is given in the testing stage; and 2) presents a theoretical framework to better resolve the ambiguity and uncertainty of subsequences at early performing stage.

Early Action Prediction regression +1

Latent Embeddings for Collective Activity Recognition

no code implementations20 Sep 2017 Yongyi Tang, Peizhen Zhang, Jian-Fang Hu, Wei-Shi Zheng

Rather than simply recognizing the action of a person individually, collective activity recognition aims to find out what a group of people is acting in a collective scene.

Activity Recognition

Jointly learning heterogeneous features for rgb-d activity recognition

no code implementations IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence ( Volume: 39 , Issue: 11 , Nov. 1 2017 ) 2016 Jian-Fang Hu, Wei-Shi Zheng, Jian-Huang Lai, Jian-Guo Zhang

The proposed model formed in a unified framework is capable of: 1) jointly mining a set of subspaces with the same dimensionality to exploit latent shared features across different feature channels, 2) meanwhile, quantifying the shared and feature-specific components of features in the subspaces, and 3) transferring feature-specific intermediate transforms (i-transforms) for learning fusion of heterogeneous features across datasets.

Activity Recognition Benchmarking +3

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