Search Results for author: Jianan Chen

Found 15 papers, 5 papers with code

Upcycling Noise for Federated Unlearning

no code implementations7 Dec 2024 Jianan Chen, Qin Hu, Fangtian Zhong, Yan Zhuang, Minghui Xu

In this paper, we propose Federated Unlearning with Indistinguishability (FUI) to unlearn the local data of a target client in DPFL for the first time.

Federated Learning

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time Ground Delay Program Revision and Corresponding Flight Delay Assignments

no code implementations14 May 2024 Ke Liu, Fan Hu, Hui Lin, Xi Cheng, Jianan Chen, Jilin Song, Siyuan Feng, Gaofeng Su, Chen Zhu

This paper explores the optimization of Ground Delay Programs (GDP), a prevalent Traffic Management Initiative used in Air Traffic Management (ATM) to reconcile capacity and demand discrepancies at airports.

Decision Making Deep Reinforcement Learning +3

Airport Delay Prediction with Temporal Fusion Transformers

no code implementations14 May 2024 Ke Liu, Kaijing Ding, Xi Cheng, Guanhao Xu, Xin Hu, Tong Liu, Siyuan Feng, Binze Cai, Jianan Chen, Hui Lin, Jilin Song, Chen Zhu

Since flight delay hurts passengers, airlines, and airports, its prediction becomes crucial for the decision-making of all stakeholders in the aviation industry and thus has been attempted by various previous research.

Decision Making Prediction

Cross-Validation Is All You Need: A Statistical Approach To Label Noise Estimation

1 code implementation24 Jun 2023 Jianan Chen, Vishwesh Ramanathan, Tony Xu, Anne L. Martel

Inspired by the large fluctuations across folds in the cross-validation performance of survival analyses, we design Monte-Carlo experiments to show that such fluctuation could be caused by label noise.

Noise Estimation Survival Analysis +1

Intra-Modal Constraint Loss For Image-Text Retrieval

1 code implementation11 Jul 2022 Jianan Chen, Lu Zhang, Qiong Wang, Cong Bai, Kidiyo Kpalma

Cross-modal retrieval has drawn much attention in both computer vision and natural language processing domains.

Cross-Modal Retrieval Image-text Retrieval +1

Metastatic Cancer Outcome Prediction with Injective Multiple Instance Pooling

no code implementations9 Mar 2022 Jianan Chen, Anne L. Martel

Cancer stage is a large determinant of patient prognosis and management in many cancer types, and is often assessed using medical imaging modalities, such as CT and MRI.

Benchmarking Management +3

AMINN: Autoencoder-based Multiple Instance Neural Network Improves Outcome Prediction of Multifocal Liver Metastases

1 code implementation12 Dec 2020 Jianan Chen, Helen M. C. Cheung, Laurent Milot, Anne L. Martel

Experimental results empirically validated our hypothesis that incorporating imaging features of all lesions improves outcome prediction for multifocal cancer.


Unsupervised Clustering of Quantitative Imaging Phenotypes using Autoencoder and Gaussian Mixture Model

no code implementations6 Sep 2019 Jianan Chen, Laurent Milot, Helen M. C. Cheung, Anne L. Martel

The performance of the proposed pipeline was evaluated on an institutional MRI cohort of 108 patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases.

Clustering Representation Learning

Multi-layer Domain Adaptation for Deep Convolutional Networks

no code implementations5 Sep 2019 Ozan Ciga, Jianan Chen, Anne Martel

Despite their success in many computer vision tasks, convolutional networks tend to require large amounts of labeled data to achieve generalization.

Domain Adaptation Multi-class Classification

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