Search Results for author: Jianan Jiang

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Infra-YOLO: Efficient Neural Network Structure with Model Compression for Real-Time Infrared Small Object Detection

no code implementations14 Aug 2024 Zhonglin Chen, Anyu Geng, Jianan Jiang, Jiwu Lu, Di wu

The proposed FFAFPM can enrich semantic information, and enhance the fusion of shallow feature and deep feature, thus false positive results have been significantly reduced.

Efficient Neural Network Model Compression +3

Towards Self-Supervised FG-SBIR with Unified Sample Feature Alignment and Multi-Scale Token Recycling

no code implementations17 Jun 2024 Jianan Jiang, Di wu, Zhilin Jiang, Weiren Yu

Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval (FG-SBIR) aims to minimize the distance between sketches and corresponding images in the embedding space.

Sketch-Based Image Retrieval

HAIFIT: Human-to-AI Fashion Image Translation

1 code implementation13 Mar 2024 Jianan Jiang, Xinglin Li, Weiren Yu, Di wu

In the realm of fashion design, sketches serve as the canvas for expressing an artist's distinctive drawing style and creative vision, capturing intricate details like stroke variations and texture nuances.

Image Generation Translation

Domain Adaptation with Incomplete Target Domains

no code implementations3 Dec 2020 Zhenpeng Li, Jianan Jiang, Yuhong Guo, Tiantian Tang, Chengxiang Zhuo, Jieping Ye

In the proposed model, we design a data imputation module to fill the missing feature values based on the partial observations in the target domain, while aligning the two domains via deep adversarial adaption.

Domain Adaptation Imputation

A Transductive Multi-Head Model for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

1 code implementation8 Jun 2020 Jianan Jiang, Zhenpeng Li, Yuhong Guo, Jieping Ye

The TMHFS method extends the Meta-Confidence Transduction (MCT) and Dense Feature-Matching Networks (DFMN) method [2] by introducing a new prediction head, i. e, an instance-wise global classification network based on semantic information, after the common feature embedding network.

cross-domain few-shot learning Data Augmentation

Feature Transformation Ensemble Model with Batch Spectral Regularization for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification

no code implementations18 May 2020 Bingyu Liu, Zhen Zhao, Zhenpeng Li, Jianan Jiang, Yuhong Guo, Jieping Ye

In this paper, we propose a feature transformation ensemble model with batch spectral regularization for the Cross-domain few-shot learning (CD-FSL) challenge.

cross-domain few-shot learning Data Augmentation +2

High-speed Railway Fastener Detection and Localization Method based on convolutional neural network

no code implementations2 Jul 2019 Qing Song, Yao Guo, Jianan Jiang, Chun Liu, Mengjie Hu

Railway transportation is the artery of China's national economy and plays an important role in the development of today's society.

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