Search Results for author: Jianan Zhou

Found 7 papers, 6 papers with code

Towards Omni-generalizable Neural Methods for Vehicle Routing Problems

1 code implementation31 May 2023 Jianan Zhou, Yaoxin Wu, Wen Song, Zhiguang Cao, Jie Zhang

Learning heuristics for vehicle routing problems (VRPs) has gained much attention due to the less reliance on hand-crafted rules.

Combinatorial Optimization Meta-Learning +1

Neural Airport Ground Handling

1 code implementation4 Mar 2023 Yaoxin Wu, Jianan Zhou, Yunwen Xia, Xianli Zhang, Zhiguang Cao, Jie Zhang

Airport ground handling (AGH) offers necessary operations to flights during their turnarounds and is of great importance to the efficiency of airport management and the economics of aviation.

Combinatorial Optimization Reinforcement Learning (RL) +1

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