Search Results for author: Jiangang Chen

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

A Wearable Gait Monitoring System for 17 Gait Parameters Based on Computer Vision

no code implementations16 Nov 2024 Jiangang Chen, Yung-Hong Sun, Kristen Pickett, Barbara King, Yu Hen Hu, Hongrui Jiang

We developed a shoe-mounted gait monitoring system capable of tracking up to 17 gait parameters, including gait length, step time, stride velocity, and others.

Gait Identification

Atrial Septal Defect Detection in Children Based on Ultrasound Video Using Multiple Instances Learning

no code implementations6 Jun 2023 Yiman Liu, Qiming Huang, Xiaoxiang Han, Tongtong Liang, Zhifang Zhang, Lijun Chen, Jinfeng Wang, Angelos Stefanidis, Jionglong Su, Jiangang Chen, Qingli Li, Yuqi Zhang

In addition, data from 30 children patients (15 positives and 15 negatives) are collected for clinician testing and compared to our model test results (these 30 samples do not participate in model training).

Defect Detection Specificity

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