Search Results for author: Jianhong Lin

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

An Improved Algorithm to Identify More Arbitrage Opportunities on Decentralized Exchanges

no code implementations24 Jun 2024 Yu Zhang, Tao Yan, Jianhong Lin, Benjamin Kraner, Claudio Tessone

In decentralized exchanges (DEXs), the arbitrage paths exist abundantly in the form of both arbitrage loops (e. g. the arbitrage path starts from token A and back to token A again in the end, A, B,..., A) and non-loops (e. g. the arbitrage path starts from token A and stops at a different token N, A, B,..., N).

Quantum Mixed-State Self-Attention Network

no code implementations5 Mar 2024 Fu Chen, Qinglin Zhao, Li Feng, Chuangtao Chen, Yangbin Lin, Jianhong Lin

This paper introduces a novel Quantum Mixed-State Self-Attention Network (QMSAN) for natural language processing tasks.

Quantum Machine Learning text-classification +1

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