Search Results for author: Jianing Sun

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

Rank-One Prior: Toward Real-Time Scene Recovery

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Jun Liu, Ryan Wen Liu, Jianing Sun, Tieyong Zeng

To improve visual quality under different weather/imaging conditions, we propose a real-time light correction method to recover the degraded scenes in the cases of sandstorms, underwater, and haze.

Autonomous Vehicles

A Framework for Recommending Accurate and Diverse ItemsUsing Bayesian Graph Convolutional Neural Networks

1 code implementation Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining 2020 Jianing Sun, Wei Guo, Dengcheng Zhang, Yingxue Zhang, Florence Regol, Yaochen Hu, Huifeng Guo, Ruiming Tang, Han Yuan, Xiuqiang He, Mark Coates

Because of the multitude of relationships existing in recommender systems, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) based approaches have been proposed to better characterize the various relationships between a user and items while modeling a user's preferences.

Recommendation Systems

Multi-Graph Convolution Collaborative Filtering

no code implementations1 Jan 2020 Jianing Sun, Yingxue Zhang, Chen Ma, Mark Coates, Huifeng Guo, Ruiming Tang, Xiuqiang He

In this work, we develop a graph convolution-based recommendation framework, named Multi-Graph Convolution Collaborative Filtering (Multi-GCCF), which explicitly incorporates multiple graphs in the embedding learning process.

Collaborative Filtering Graph Neural Network

Memory Augmented Graph Neural Networks for Sequential Recommendation

1 code implementation26 Dec 2019 Chen Ma, Liheng Ma, Yingxue Zhang, Jianing Sun, Xue Liu, Mark Coates

In addition to the modeling of user interests, we employ a bilinear function to capture the co-occurrence patterns of related items.

Graph Neural Network Sequential Recommendation

FoodTracker: A Real-time Food Detection Mobile Application by Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

2 code implementations13 Sep 2019 Jianing Sun, Katarzyna Radecka, Zeljko Zilic

We present a mobile application made to recognize food items of multi-object meal from a single image in real-time, and then return the nutrition facts with components and approximate amounts.

Nutrition Object Recognition +1

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