Search Results for author: Jianming Wang

Found 9 papers, 4 papers with code

Research on gesture recognition method based on SEDCNN-SVM

no code implementations24 Oct 2024 Mingjin Zhang, Jiahao Wang, Jianming Wang, Qi Wang

The DCNN can automatically extract and learn the feature information of sEMG through the convolution operation of the convolutional layer, so that it can capture the complex and high-level features in the data.

Classification Gesture Recognition

CDGNet: Class Distribution Guided Network for Human Parsing

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Kunliang Liu, Ouk Choi, Jianming Wang, Wonjun Hwang

Since the human body comprises hierarchically structured parts, each body part of an image can have its sole position distribution characteristic.

Ranked #2 on Human Parsing on 4D-DRESS (using extra training data)

Human Parsing Position

DREAM: A Dynamic Relational-Aware Model for Social Recommendation

no code implementations11 Aug 2020 Liqiang Song, Ye Bi, Mengqiu Yao, Zhen-Yu Wu, Jianming Wang, Jing Xiao

In this paper, we propose a unified framework named Dynamic RElation Aware Model (DREAM) for social recommendation, which tries to model both users dynamic interests and their friends temporal influences.

Recommendation Systems Relation

A Heterogeneous Information Network based Cross Domain Insurance Recommendation System for Cold Start Users

1 code implementation30 Jul 2020 Ye Bi, Liqiang Song, Mengqiu Yao, Zhen-Yu Wu, Jianming Wang, Jing Xiao

Specifically, we first try to learn more effective user and item latent features in both source and target domains.

DCDIR: A Deep Cross-Domain Recommendation System for Cold Start Users in Insurance Domain

no code implementations27 Jul 2020 Ye Bi, Liqiang Song, Mengqiu Yao, Zhen-Yu Wu, Jianming Wang, Jing Xiao

In this paper, we propose a Deep Cross Domain Insurance Recommendation System (DCDIR) for cold start users.

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