Search Results for author: Jiansheng Chen

Found 24 papers, 7 papers with code

Exploring Information-Theoretic Metrics Associated with Neural Collapse in Supervised Training

no code implementations25 Sep 2024 Kun Song, Zhiquan Tan, Bochao Zou, Jiansheng Chen, Huimin Ma, Weiran Huang

Experiments show that matrix entropy cannot solely describe the interaction of the information content of data representation and classification head weights but it can effectively reflect the similarity and clustering behavior of the data.

Classification cross-modal alignment

PIP: Detecting Adversarial Examples in Large Vision-Language Models via Attention Patterns of Irrelevant Probe Questions

1 code implementation8 Sep 2024 Yudong Zhang, Ruobing Xie, Jiansheng Chen, Xingwu Sun, Yu Wang

We propose an unconventional method named PIP, which utilizes the attention patterns of one randomly selected irrelevant probe question (e. g., "Is there a clock?")

UrbanWorld: An Urban World Model for 3D City Generation

1 code implementation16 Jul 2024 Yu Shang, Yuming Lin, Yu Zheng, Hangyu Fan, Jingtao Ding, Jie Feng, Jiansheng Chen, Li Tian, Yong Li

Toward this problem, we propose UrbanWorld, the first generative urban world model that can automatically create a customized, realistic and interactive 3D urban world with flexible control conditions.

Decision Making Language Modelling +2

Strictly-ID-Preserved and Controllable Accessory Advertising Image Generation

no code implementations7 Apr 2024 Youze Xue, Binghui Chen, Yifeng Geng, Xuansong Xie, Jiansheng Chen, Hongbing Ma

Customized generative text-to-image models have the ability to produce images that closely resemble a given subject.

Image Generation

Isolated Diffusion: Optimizing Multi-Concept Text-to-Image Generation Training-Freely with Isolated Diffusion Guidance

no code implementations25 Mar 2024 Jingyuan Zhu, Huimin Ma, Jiansheng Chen, Jian Yuan

This paper presents a general approach for text-to-image diffusion models to address the mutual interference between different subjects and their attachments in complex scenes, pursuing better text-image consistency.

object-detection Object Detection +1

RhythmFormer: Extracting rPPG Signals Based on Hierarchical Temporal Periodic Transformer

1 code implementation20 Feb 2024 Bochao Zou, Zizheng Guo, Jiansheng Chen, Huimin Ma

Due to the periodicity nature of rPPG, the long-range dependency capturing capacity of the Transformer was assumed to be advantageous for such signals.

DomainStudio: Fine-Tuning Diffusion Models for Domain-Driven Image Generation using Limited Data

no code implementations25 Jun 2023 Jingyuan Zhu, Huimin Ma, Jiansheng Chen, Jian Yuan

Typical diffusion models and modern large-scale conditional generative models like text-to-image generative models are vulnerable to overfitting when fine-tuned on extremely limited data.

Denoising Diversity +1

Few-shot 3D Shape Generation

no code implementations19 May 2023 Jingyuan Zhu, Huimin Ma, Jiansheng Chen, Jian Yuan

Our approach only needs the silhouettes of few-shot target samples as training data to learn target geometry distributions and achieve generated shapes with diverse topology and textures.

3D Shape Generation Diversity +2

MotionVideoGAN: A Novel Video Generator Based on the Motion Space Learned from Image Pairs

1 code implementation6 Mar 2023 Jingyuan Zhu, Huimin Ma, Jiansheng Chen, Jian Yuan

We present MotionVideoGAN, a novel video generator synthesizing videos based on the motion space learned by pre-trained image pair generators.

Motion Generation Unconditional Video Generation

Gestalt-Guided Image Understanding for Few-Shot Learning

1 code implementation8 Feb 2023 Kun Song, Yuchen Wu, Jiansheng Chen, Tianyu Hu, Huimin Ma

Due to the scarcity of available data, deep learning does not perform well on few-shot learning tasks.

Few-Shot Learning

Few-shot Image Generation with Diffusion Models

no code implementations7 Nov 2022 Jingyuan Zhu, Huimin Ma, Jiansheng Chen, Jian Yuan

Then we fine-tune DDPMs pre-trained on large source domains to solve the overfitting problem when training data is limited.

Denoising Diversity +2

Few-shot Image Generation via Masked Discrimination

no code implementations27 Oct 2022 Jingyuan Zhu, Huimin Ma, Jiansheng Chen, Jian Yuan

It strengthens global image discrimination and guides adapted GANs to preserve more information learned from source domains for higher image quality.

Diversity Image Generation

Defending Against Universal Adversarial Patches by Clipping Feature Norms

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Cheng Yu, Jiansheng Chen, Youze Xue, Yuyang Liu, Weitao Wan, Jiayu Bao, Huimin Ma

Physical-world adversarial attacks based on universal adversarial patches have been proved to be able to mislead deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), exposing the vulnerability of real-world visual classification systems based on CNNs.

Teacher-Critical Training Strategies for Image Captioning

no code implementations30 Sep 2020 Yiqing Huang, Jiansheng Chen

To effectively learn from the teacher model, we propose Teacher-Critical Training Strategies (TCTS) for both XE and RL training to facilitate better learning processes for the caption model.

Image Captioning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Towards End-to-End Face Recognition through Alignment Learning

no code implementations25 Jan 2017 Yuanyi Zhong, Jiansheng Chen, Bo Huang

Although these methods differ essentially in many aspects, a common practice of them is to specifically align the facial area based on the prior knowledge of human face structure before feature extraction.

Face Alignment Face Recognition

Automatic Image Cropping : A Computational Complexity Study

no code implementations CVPR 2016 Jiansheng Chen, Gaocheng Bai, Shaoheng Liang, Zhengqin Li

Attention based automatic image cropping aims at preserving the most visually important region in an image.

Image Cropping

Superpixel Segmentation Using Linear Spectral Clustering

no code implementations CVPR 2015 Zhengqin Li, Jiansheng Chen

We present in this paper a superpixel segmentation algorithm called Linear Spectral Clustering (LSC), which produces compact and uniform superpixels with low computational costs.

Clustering Image Segmentation +3

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