1 code implementation • COLING 2022 • Yinyi Wei, Shuaipeng Liu, Jianwei Lv, Xiangyu Xi, Hailei Yan, Wei Ye, Tong Mo, Fan Yang, Guanglu Wan
Many recent sentence-level event detection efforts focus on enriching sentence semantics, e. g., via multi-task or prompt-based learning.
1 code implementation • 25 Nov 2022 • Xiangyu Xi, Jianwei Lv, Shuaipeng Liu, Wei Ye, Fan Yang, Guanglu Wan
As a pioneering exploration that expands event detection to the scenarios involving informal and heterogeneous texts, we propose a new large-scale Chinese event detection dataset based on user reviews, text conversations, and phone conversations in a leading e-commerce platform for food service.