Search Results for author: Jianwei Wan

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

DuInNet: Dual-Modality Feature Interaction for Point Cloud Completion

no code implementations10 Jul 2024 Xinpu Liu, Baolin Hou, Hanyun Wang, Ke Xu, Jianwei Wan, Yulan Guo

Besides the fully supervised point cloud completion task, two additional tasks including denoising completion and zero-shot learning completion are proposed in ModelNet-MPC, to simulate real-world scenarios and verify the robustness to noise and the transfer ability across categories of current methods.

Denoising Point Cloud Completion +1

Not All Points Are Equal: Learning Highly Efficient Point-based Detectors for 3D LiDAR Point Clouds

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Yifan Zhang, Qingyong Hu, Guoquan Xu, Yanxin Ma, Jianwei Wan, Yulan Guo

To reduce the memory and computational cost, existing point-based pipelines usually adopt task-agnostic random sampling or farthest point sampling to progressively downsample input point clouds, despite the fact that not all points are equally important to the task of object detection.

Object object-detection +1

Adaptive Channel Encoding for Point Cloud Analysis

no code implementations5 Dec 2021 Guoquan Xu, Hezhi Cao, Yifan Zhang, Jianwei Wan, Ke Xu, Yanxin Ma

Attention mechanism plays a more and more important role in point cloud analysis and channel attention is one of the hotspots.

Adaptive Channel Encoding Transformer for Point Cloud Analysis

no code implementations5 Dec 2021 Guoquan Xu, Hezhi Cao, Yifan Zhang, Yanxin Ma, Jianwei Wan, Ke Xu

Transformer plays an increasingly important role in various computer vision areas and remarkable achievements have also been made in point cloud analysis.

Point Cloud Classification

Dual-Neighborhood Deep Fusion Network for Point Cloud Analysis

no code implementations20 Aug 2021 Guoquan Xu, Hezhi Cao, Yifan Zhang, Jianwei Wan, Ke Xu, Yanxin Ma

To handle this prob-lem, a feature representation learning method, named Dual-Neighborhood Deep Fusion Network (DNDFN), is proposed to serve as an improved point cloud encoder for the task of non-idealized point cloud classification.

3D Point Cloud Classification Classification +2

Rotational Projection Statistics for 3D Local Surface Description and Object Recognition

no code implementations11 Apr 2013 Yulan Guo, Ferdous Sohel, Mohammed Bennamoun, Min Lu, Jianwei Wan

The performance of the proposed LRF, RoPS descriptor and object recognition algorithm was rigorously tested on a number of popular and publicly available datasets.

3D Object Recognition Object

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