Search Results for author: Jiapeng Liu

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Sequential LLM Framework for Fashion Recommendation

no code implementations15 Oct 2024 Han Liu, Xianfeng Tang, Tianlang Chen, Jiapeng Liu, Indu Indu, Henry Peng Zou, Peng Dai, Roberto Fernandez Galan, Michael D Porter, Dongmei Jia, Ning Zhang, Lian Xiong

The fashion industry is one of the leading domains in the global e-commerce sector, prompting major online retailers to employ recommendation systems for product suggestions and customer convenience.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +4

Efficient Generalized Low-Rank Tensor Contextual Bandits

no code implementations3 Nov 2023 Qianxin Yi, Yiyang Yang, Shaojie Tang, Jiapeng Liu, Yao Wang

In this paper, we aim to build a novel bandits algorithm that is capable of fully harnessing the power of multi-dimensional data and the inherent non-linearity of reward functions to provide high-usable and accountable decision-making services.

Decision Making Multi-Armed Bandits

Graph2topic: an opensource topic modeling framework based on sentence embedding and community detection

no code implementations13 Apr 2023 Leihang Zhang, Jiapeng Liu, Qiang Yan

However, these approaches suffer from the inability to select appropriate parameters and incomplete models that overlook the quantitative relation between words with topics and topics with text.

Community Detection Language Modelling +4

Cross-Lingual Document Retrieval with Smooth Learning

1 code implementation COLING 2020 Jiapeng Liu, Xiao Zhang, Dan Goldwasser, Xiao Wang

Cross-lingual document search is an information retrieval task in which the queries' language differs from the documents' language.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

Explainable Ordinal Factorization Model: Deciphering the Effects of Attributes by Piece-wise Linear Approximation

no code implementations14 Nov 2019 Mengzhuo Guo, Zhongzhi Xu, Qingpeng Zhang, Xiuwu Liao, Jiapeng Liu

Ordinal regression predicts the objects' labels that exhibit a natural ordering, which is important to many managerial problems such as credit scoring and clinical diagnosis.

Attribute regression

A preference learning framework for multiple criteria sorting with diverse additive value models and valued assignment examples

no code implementations12 Oct 2019 Jiapeng Liu, Milosz Kadzinski, Xiuwu Liao, Xiaoxin Mao, Yao Wang

We propose an optimization model for constructing a preference model from such valued examples by maximizing the credible consistency among reference alternatives.

Data-driven preference learning methods for value-driven multiple criteria sorting with interacting criteria

no code implementations21 May 2019 Jiapeng Liu, Milosz Kadzinski, Xiuwu Liao, Xiaoxin Mao

We also propose a few novel methods for classifying non-reference alternatives in order to enhance the applicability of our approach to different datasets.

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