no code implementations • 12 Aug 2021 • Jinpeng Chen, Haiyang Li, Xudong Zhang, Fan Zhang, Senzhang Wang, Kaimin Wei, Jiaqi Ji
The current studies generally learn user preferences according to the transitions of items in the user's session sequence.
no code implementations • 16 Jun 2021 • Tianyun Yang, Juan Cao, Qiang Sheng, Lei LI, Jiaqi Ji, Xirong Li, Sheng Tang
Adopting a multi-task framework, we propose a GAN Fingerprint Disentangling Network (GFD-Net) to simultaneously disentangle the fingerprint from GAN-generated images and produce a content-irrelevant representation for fake image attribution.
2 code implementations • ICCV 2021 • Xinru Chen, Chengbo Dong, Jiaqi Ji, Juan Cao, Xirong Li
The key challenge of image manipulation detection is how to learn generalizable features that are sensitive to manipulations in novel data, whilst specific to prevent false alarms on authentic images.
Ranked #5 on
Image Manipulation Detection
on Casia V1+
1 code implementation • 24 Nov 2020 • Xirong Li, Fangming Zhou, Chaoxi Xu, Jiaqi Ji, Gang Yang
Inspired by the initial success of previously few works in combining multiple sentence encoders, this paper takes a step forward by developing a new and general method for effectively exploiting diverse sentence encoders.
Ranked #2 on
Ad-hoc video search
(using extra training data)