Search Results for author: Jiarong Li

Found 9 papers, 1 papers with code

Multi-Stage Expansion Planning for Decarbonizing Thermal Generation Supported Renewable Power Systems Using Hydrogen and Ammonia Storage

no code implementations31 Aug 2023 Zhipeng Yu, Jin Lin, Feng Liu, Jiarong Li, Yingtian Chi, Yonghua Song, Zhengwei Ren

Large-scale centralized development of wind and solar energy and peer-to-grid transmission of renewable energy source (RES) via high voltage direct current (HVDC) has been regarded as one of the most promising ways to achieve goals of peak carbon and carbon neutrality in China.

Optimal Sizing of Isolated Renewable Power Systems with Ammonia Synthesis: Model and Solution Approach

no code implementations10 Mar 2023 Zhipeng Yu, Jin Lin, Feng Liu, Jiarong Li, Yuxuan Zhao, Yonghua Song

However, multi-timescale electricity, hydrogen, and ammonia storages, minimum power supply for system safety, and the multi-year uncertainty of renewable generation lead to difficulties in planning.

A Multi-stack Power-to-Hydrogen Load Control Framework for the Power Factor-Constrained Integration in Volatile Peak Shaving Conditions

no code implementations14 Jan 2023 Jiarong Li

Then, a PF-constrained multi-timescale control framework is constructed to evaluate flexibility, PF, production, and security comprehensively.

Design of the PID temperature controller for an alkaline electrolysis system with time delays

no code implementations3 Oct 2022 Ruomei Qi, Jiarong Li, Jin Lin, Yonghua Song, Jiepeng Wang, Qiangqiang Cui, Yiwei Qiu, Ming Tang, Jian Wang

This paper focuses on the design of the PID temperature controller for an alkaline electrolysis system to achieve fast and stable temperature control.

Thermal Modelling and Controller Design of an Alkaline Electrolysis System under Dynamic Operating Conditions

no code implementations27 Feb 2022 Ruomei Qi, Jiarong Li, Jin Lin, Yonghua Song, Jiepeng Wang, Qiangqiang Cui, Yiwei Qiu, Ming Tang, Jian Wang

A control-oriented thermal model is established in the form of a third-order time-delay process, which is used for simulation and controller design.


The Price Impact of Generalized Order Flow Imbalance

no code implementations6 Dec 2021 Yuhan Su, Zeyu Sun, Jiarong Li, Xianghui Yuan

This paper considers the change of non-minimum quotation units in real transactions, and proposes a generalized order flow imbalance construction method to improve Order Flow Imbalance (OFI) and Stationarized Order Flow Imbalance (log-OFI).

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