Search Results for author: Jiashu Pu

Found 12 papers, 4 papers with code

HoLLMwood: Unleashing the Creativity of Large Language Models in Screenwriting via Role Playing

no code implementations17 Jun 2024 Jing Chen, Xinyu Zhu, Cheng Yang, Chufan Shi, Yadong Xi, Yuxiang Zhang, Junjie Wang, Jiashu Pu, Rongsheng Zhang, Yujiu Yang, Tian Feng

Generative AI has demonstrated unprecedented creativity in the field of computer vision, yet such phenomena have not been observed in natural language processing.

Crafting a Good Prompt or Providing Exemplary Dialogues? A Study of In-Context Learning for Persona-based Dialogue Generation

no code implementations15 Feb 2024 Jiashu Pu, Yajing Wan, Yuru Zhang, Jing Chen, Ling Cheng, Qian Shao, Yongzhu Chang, Tangjie Lv, Rongsheng Zhang

Previous in-context learning (ICL) research has focused on tasks such as classification, machine translation, text2table, etc., while studies on whether ICL can improve human-like dialogue generation are scarce.

Dialogue Generation Diversity +2

Examining the Effect of Pre-training on Time Series Classification

no code implementations11 Sep 2023 Jiashu Pu, Shiwei Zhao, Ling Cheng, Yongzhu Chang, Runze Wu, Tangjie Lv, Rongsheng Zhang

(iv) Adding more pre-training data does not improve generalization, but it can strengthen the advantage of pre-training on the original data volume, such as faster convergence.

Time Series Time Series Classification +1

Sudowoodo: a Chinese Lyric Imitation System with Source Lyrics

no code implementations9 Aug 2023 Yongzhu Chang, Rongsheng Zhang, Lin Jiang, Qihang Chen, Le Zhang, Jiashu Pu

In this paper, we introduce \textbf{\textit{Sudowoodo}}, a Chinese lyrics imitation system that can generate new lyrics based on the text of source lyrics.

Text Generation

I-WAS: a Data Augmentation Method with GPT-2 for Simile Detection

no code implementations8 Aug 2023 Yongzhu Chang, Rongsheng Zhang, Jiashu Pu

Simile detection is a valuable task for many natural language processing (NLP)-based applications, particularly in the field of literature.

Data Augmentation Language Modeling +3

Neighborhood-based Hard Negative Mining for Sequential Recommendation

1 code implementation12 Jun 2023 Lu Fan, Jiashu Pu, Rongsheng Zhang, Xiao-Ming Wu

Motivated by this observation, we propose a Graph-based Negative sampling approach based on Neighborhood Overlap (GNNO) to exploit structural information hidden in user behaviors for negative mining.

Sequential Recommendation

Unraveling the Mystery of Artifacts in Machine Generated Text

1 code implementation LREC 2022 Jiashu Pu, Ziyi Huang, Yadong Xi, Guandan Chen, WeiJie Chen, Rongsheng Zhang

As neural Text Generation Models (TGM) have become more and more capable of generating text indistinguishable from human-written ones, the misuse of text generation technologies can have serious ramifications.

Text Generation

Probing Simile Knowledge from Pre-trained Language Models

1 code implementation ACL 2022 WeiJie Chen, Yongzhu Chang, Rongsheng Zhang, Jiashu Pu, Guandan Chen, Le Zhang, Yadong Xi, Yijiang Chen, Chang Su

In this paper, we probe simile knowledge from PLMs to solve the SI and SG tasks in the unified framework of simile triple completion for the first time.

Diversity Language Modelling +2

Dialog Intent Induction via Density-based Deep Clustering Ensemble

no code implementations18 Jan 2022 Jiashu Pu, Guandan Chen, Yongzhu Chang, Xiaoxi Mao

Existing task-oriented chatbots heavily rely on spoken language understanding (SLU) systems to determine a user's utterance's intent and other key information for fulfilling specific tasks.

Clustering Clustering Ensemble +2

Taming Repetition in Dialogue Generation

no code implementations16 Dec 2021 Yadong Xi, Jiashu Pu, Xiaoxi Mao

The wave of pre-training language models has been continuously improving the quality of the machine-generated conversations, however, some of the generated responses still suffer from excessive repetition, sometimes repeating words from utterance, sometimes repeating words within self-generated responses, or both.

Dialogue Generation Diversity

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