Search Results for author: Jiaxin Bai

Found 20 papers, 14 papers with code

EcomEdit: An Automated E-commerce Knowledge Editing Framework for Enhanced Product and Purchase Intention Understanding

no code implementations18 Oct 2024 Ching Ming Samuel Lau, Weiqi Wang, Haochen Shi, Baixuan Xu, Jiaxin Bai, Yangqiu Song

However, there are naturally occurring scenarios that make KE necessary in this domain, such as the timely updating of product features and trending purchase intentions by customers, which necessitate further exploration.

knowledge editing

CLR-Fact: Evaluating the Complex Logical Reasoning Capability of Large Language Models over Factual Knowledge

no code implementations30 Jul 2024 Tianshi Zheng, Jiaxin Bai, Yicheng Wang, Tianqing Fang, Yue Guo, Yauwai Yim, Yangqiu Song

While large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities across various natural language processing tasks by acquiring rich factual knowledge from their broad training data, their ability to synthesize and logically reason with this knowledge in complex ways remains underexplored.

In-Context Learning Knowledge Graphs +2

Towards Subgraph Isomorphism Counting with Graph Kernels

no code implementations13 May 2024 Xin Liu, Weiqi Wang, Jiaxin Bai, Yangqiu Song

Subgraph isomorphism counting is known as #P-complete and requires exponential time to find the accurate solution.

Graph Classification Representation Learning

Federated Neural Graph Databases

no code implementations22 Feb 2024 Qi Hu, Weifeng Jiang, Haoran Li, ZiHao Wang, Jiaxin Bai, Qianren Mao, Yangqiu Song, Lixin Fan, JianXin Li

However, existing NGDBs are typically designed to operate on a single graph, limiting their ability to reason across multiple graphs.

Complex Query Answering Federated Learning +3

CANDLE: Iterative Conceptualization and Instantiation Distillation from Large Language Models for Commonsense Reasoning

2 code implementations14 Jan 2024 Weiqi Wang, Tianqing Fang, Chunyang Li, Haochen Shi, Wenxuan Ding, Baixuan Xu, Zhaowei Wang, Jiaxin Bai, Xin Liu, Jiayang Cheng, Chunkit Chan, Yangqiu Song

The sequential process of conceptualization and instantiation is essential to generalizable commonsense reasoning as it allows the application of existing knowledge to unfamiliar scenarios.


Privacy-Preserved Neural Graph Databases

1 code implementation25 Dec 2023 Qi Hu, Haoran Li, Jiaxin Bai, ZiHao Wang, Yangqiu Song

Neural graph databases (NGDBs) have emerged as a powerful paradigm that combines the strengths of graph databases (GDBs) and neural networks to enable efficient storage, retrieval, and analysis of graph-structured data which can be adaptively trained with LLMs.

Privacy Preserving RAG +1

Advancing Abductive Reasoning in Knowledge Graphs through Complex Logical Hypothesis Generation

1 code implementation25 Dec 2023 Jiaxin Bai, Yicheng Wang, Tianshi Zheng, Yue Guo, Xin Liu, Yangqiu Song

Although many applications require the use of knowledge for explanations, the utilization of abductive reasoning in conjunction with structured knowledge, such as a knowledge graph, remains largely unexplored.

Knowledge Graphs Logical Reasoning

Understanding Inter-Session Intentions via Complex Logical Reasoning

1 code implementation21 Dec 2023 Jiaxin Bai, Chen Luo, Zheng Li, Qingyu Yin, Yangqiu Song

Existing research on session understanding has not adequately addressed making product or attribute recommendations for such complex intentions.

Attribute Complex Query Answering +1

Knowledge Graph Reasoning over Entities and Numerical Values

1 code implementation2 Jun 2023 Jiaxin Bai, Chen Luo, Zheng Li, Qingyu Yin, Bing Yin, Yangqiu Song

To address the difference between entities and numerical values, we also propose the framework of Number Reasoning Network (NRN) for alternatively encoding entities and numerical values into separate encoding structures.

Attribute Complex Query Answering

Sequential Query Encoding For Complex Query Answering on Knowledge Graphs

1 code implementation25 Feb 2023 Jiaxin Bai, Tianshi Zheng, Yangqiu Song

Instead of parameterizing and executing the computational graph, SQE first uses a search-based algorithm to linearize the computational graph to a sequence of tokens and then uses a sequence encoder to compute its vector representation.

Complex Query Answering

Query2Particles: Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Particle Embeddings

1 code implementation Findings (NAACL) 2022 Jiaxin Bai, ZiHao Wang, Hongming Zhang, Yangqiu Song

The query embedding method is proposed to answer these queries by jointly encoding queries and entities to the same embedding space.

Complex Query Answering Entity Embeddings

Multi-Relational Graph based Heterogeneous Multi-Task Learning in Community Question Answering

no code implementations4 Sep 2021 Zizheng Lin, Haowen Ke, Ngo-Yin Wong, Jiaxin Bai, Yangqiu Song, Huan Zhao, Junpeng Ye

To tackle this challenge, we develop a multi-relational graph based MTL model called Heterogeneous Multi-Task Graph Isomorphism Network (HMTGIN) which efficiently solves heterogeneous CQA tasks.

Community Question Answering Multi-Task Learning

Joint Coreference Resolution and Character Linking for Multiparty Conversation

1 code implementation EACL 2021 Jiaxin Bai, Hongming Zhang, Yangqiu Song, Kun Xu

Character linking, the task of linking mentioned people in conversations to the real world, is crucial for understanding the conversations.

coreference-resolution Entity Linking

Multiplex Word Embeddings for Selectional Preference Acquisition

1 code implementation IJCNLP 2019 Hongming Zhang, Jiaxin Bai, Yan Song, Kun Xu, Changlong Yu, Yangqiu Song, Wilfred Ng, Dong Yu

Therefore, in this paper, we propose a multiplex word embedding model, which can be easily extended according to various relations among words.

Word Embeddings Word Similarity

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