Search Results for author: Jiaxing Yu

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

SongGLM: Lyric-to-Melody Generation with 2D Alignment Encoding and Multi-Task Pre-Training

no code implementations24 Dec 2024 Jiaxing Yu, Xinda Wu, Yunfei Xu, Tieyao Zhang, Songruoyao Wu, Le Ma, Kejun Zhang

In this paper, we propose SongGLM, a lyric-to-melody generation system that leverages 2D alignment encoding and multi-task pre-training based on the General Language Model (GLM) to guarantee the alignment and harmony between lyrics and melodies.

MuDiT & MuSiT: Alignment with Colloquial Expression in Description-to-Song Generation

no code implementations3 Jul 2024 ZiHao Wang, Haoxuan Liu, Jiaxing Yu, Tao Zhang, Yan Liu, Kejun Zhang

This task is aimed at bridging the gap between colloquial language understanding and auditory expression within an AI model, with the ultimate goal of creating songs that accurately satisfy human auditory expectations and structurally align with musical norms.


MelodyGLM: Multi-task Pre-training for Symbolic Melody Generation

1 code implementation19 Sep 2023 Xinda Wu, Zhijie Huang, Kejun Zhang, Jiaxing Yu, Xu Tan, Tieyao Zhang, ZiHao Wang, Lingyun Sun

In particular, subjective evaluations show that, on the melody continuation task, MelodyGLM gains average improvements of 0. 82, 0. 87, 0. 78, and 0. 94 in consistency, rhythmicity, structure, and overall quality, respectively.

CogALex-V Shared Task: LOPE

no code implementations WS 2016 Kanan Luce, Jiaxing Yu, Shu-Kai Hsieh

Automatic discovery of semantically-related words is one of the most important NLP tasks, and has great impact on the theoretical psycholinguistic modeling of the mental lexicon.

Word Embeddings

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