Search Results for author: Jiayin Cai

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Improving Synthetic Image Detection Towards Generalization: An Image Transformation Perspective

1 code implementation13 Aug 2024 Ouxiang Li, Jiayin Cai, Yanbin Hao, XiaoLong Jiang, Yao Hu, Fuli Feng

In this paper, we re-examine the SID problem and identify two prevalent biases in current training paradigms, i. e., weakened artifact features and overfitted artifact features.

Image Generation Synthetic Image Detection

A Sanity Check for AI-generated Image Detection

1 code implementation27 Jun 2024 Shilin Yan, Ouxiang Li, Jiayin Cai, Yanbin Hao, XiaoLong Jiang, Yao Hu, Weidi Xie

This effectively enables the model to discern AI-generated images based on semantics or contextual information; Secondly, we select the highest frequency patches and the lowest frequency patches in the image, and compute the low-level patchwise features, aiming to detect AI-generated images by low-level artifacts, for example, noise pattern, anti-aliasing, etc.

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