Search Results for author: Jiayu Zheng

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Co-GRU Enhanced End-to-End Design for Long-haul Coherent Transmission Systems

no code implementations23 Apr 2023 Jiayu Zheng, Tianhong Zhang, Yu Wenjing, Weiqin Zhou, Chuanchuan Yang, Fan Zhang

In recent years, the end-to-end (E2E) scheme based on deep learning (DL) has been proposed as a potential scheme to jointly optimize the encoder and the decoder parameters of the optical communication system.


Nonlinear McKean-Vlasov diffusions under the weak Hormander condition with quantile-dependent coefficients

no code implementations11 Jan 2021 Yaozhong Hu, Michael A. Kouritzin, Jiayu Zheng

The approach relies on the apriori bounds for the density of the solution to time inhomogeneous diffusions.


Multi-Drone based Single Object Tracking with Agent Sharing Network

1 code implementation16 Mar 2020 Pengfei Zhu, Jiayu Zheng, Dawei Du, Longyin Wen, Yiming Sun, QinGhua Hu

Moreover, an agent sharing network (ASNet) is proposed by self-supervised template sharing and view-aware fusion of the target from multiple drones, which can improve the tracking accuracy significantly compared with single drone tracking.

Object Tracking

Mean-variance portfolio selection under partial information with drift uncertainty

no code implementations10 Jan 2019 Jie Xiong, Zuo Quan Xu, Jiayu Zheng

In this paper, we study the mean-variance portfolio selection problem under partial information with drift uncertainty.

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