Search Results for author: Jiaze Chen

Found 12 papers, 8 papers with code

Gradient-Based Adversarial Factual Consistency Evaluation for Abstractive Summarization

no code implementations EMNLP 2021 Zhiyuan Zeng, Jiaze Chen, Weiran Xu, Lei LI

Based on the artificial dataset, we train an evaluation model that can not only make accurate and robust factual consistency discrimination but is also capable of making interpretable factual errors tracing by backpropagated gradient distribution on token embeddings.

Abstractive Text Summarization Data Augmentation

Measuring Your ASTE Models in The Wild: A Diversified Multi-domain Dataset For Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction

1 code implementation27 May 2023 Ting Xu, Huiyun Yang, Zhen Wu, Jiaze Chen, Fei Zhao, Xinyu Dai

In this paper, we introduce a new dataset, named DMASTE, which is manually annotated to better fit real-world scenarios by providing more diverse and realistic reviews for the task.

Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction Triplet

CNewSum: A Large-scale Chinese News Summarization Dataset with Human-annotated Adequacy and Deducibility Level

no code implementations21 Oct 2021 Danqing Wang, Jiaze Chen, Xianze Wu, Hao Zhou, Lei LI

In this paper, we present a large-scale Chinese news summarization dataset CNewSum, which consists of 304, 307 documents and human-written summaries for the news feed.

News Summarization Text Summarization

Triangular Bidword Generation for Sponsored Search Auction

no code implementations27 Jan 2021 Zhenqiao Song, Jiaze Chen, Hao Zhou, Lei LI

Our proposed model is simple yet effective: by using bidword as the bridge between search query and advertisement, the generation of search query, advertisement and bidword can be jointly learned in the triangular training framework.

Taxonomy Completion via Triplet Matching Network

1 code implementation6 Jan 2021 Jieyu Zhang, Xiangchen Song, Ying Zeng, Jiaze Chen, Jiaming Shen, Yuning Mao, Lei LI

Previous approaches focus on the taxonomy expansion, i. e. finding an appropriate hypernym concept from the taxonomy for a new query concept.

Taxonomy Expansion Triplet

Xiaomingbot: A Multilingual Robot News Reporter

no code implementations ACL 2020 Runxin Xu, Jun Cao, Mingxuan Wang, Jiaze Chen, Hao Zhou, Ying Zeng, Yu-Ping Wang, Li Chen, Xiang Yin, Xijin Zhang, Songcheng Jiang, Yuxuan Wang, Lei LI

This paper proposes the building of Xiaomingbot, an intelligent, multilingual and multimodal software robot equipped with four integral capabilities: news generation, news translation, news reading and avatar animation.

News Generation Translation +1

Rethinking Text Attribute Transfer: A Lexical Analysis

1 code implementation WS 2019 Yao Fu, Hao Zhou, Jiaze Chen, Lei LI

We apply this framework to existing datasets and models and show that: (1) the pivot words are strong features for the classification of sentence attributes; (2) to change the attribute of a sentence, many datasets only requires to change certain pivot words; (3) consequently, many transfer models only perform the lexical-level modification, while leaving higher-level sentence structures unchanged.

Attribute General Classification +3

On Tree-Based Neural Sentence Modeling

1 code implementation EMNLP 2018 Haoyue Shi, Hao Zhou, Jiaze Chen, Lei LI

To study the effectiveness of different tree structures, we replace the parsing trees with trivial trees (i. e., binary balanced tree, left-branching tree and right-branching tree) in the encoders.

Sentence Sentiment Analysis +1

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