Search Results for author: Jie Cai

Found 21 papers, 8 papers with code

DecorateLM: Data Engineering through Corpus Rating, Tagging, and Editing with Language Models

no code implementations8 Oct 2024 Ranchi Zhao, Zhen Leng Thai, Yifan Zhang, Shengding Hu, Yunqi Ba, Jie zhou, Jie Cai, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

The performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) is substantially influenced by the pretraining corpus, which consists of vast quantities of unsupervised data processed by the models.

Language Modelling Large Language Model

Beyond Forecasting: Compositional Time Series Reasoning for End-to-End Task Execution

no code implementations5 Oct 2024 Wen Ye, Yizhou Zhang, Wei Yang, Lumingyuan Tang, Defu Cao, Jie Cai, Yan Liu

In this paper, we introduce Compositional Time Series Reasoning, a new task of handling intricate multistep reasoning tasks from time series data.

Anomaly Detection Decision Making +4

MiniCPM-V: A GPT-4V Level MLLM on Your Phone

2 code implementations3 Aug 2024 Yuan YAO, Tianyu Yu, Ao Zhang, Chongyi Wang, Junbo Cui, Hongji Zhu, Tianchi Cai, Haoyu Li, Weilin Zhao, Zhihui He, Qianyu Chen, Huarong Zhou, Zhensheng Zou, Haoye Zhang, Shengding Hu, Zhi Zheng, Jie zhou, Jie Cai, Xu Han, Guoyang Zeng, Dahai Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

The recent surge of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) has fundamentally reshaped the landscape of AI research and industry, shedding light on a promising path toward the next AI milestone.

Hallucination Optical Character Recognition (OCR) +2

PyBench: Evaluating LLM Agent on various real-world coding tasks

1 code implementation23 Jul 2024 Yaolun Zhang, Yinxu Pan, Yudong Wang, Jie Cai

The LLM Agent, equipped with a code interpreter, is capable of automatically solving real-world coding tasks, such as data analysis and image editing.

A Preliminary Exploration of YouTubers' Use of Generative-AI in Content Creation

no code implementations9 Mar 2024 Yao Lyu, He Zhang, Shuo Niu, Jie Cai

Content creators increasingly utilize generative artificial intelligence (Gen-AI) on platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and various blogging sites to produce imaginative images, AI-generated videos, and articles using Large Language Models (LLMs).

Knowledge Graph Completion with Counterfactual Augmentation

no code implementations25 Feb 2023 Heng Chang, Jie Cai, Jia Li

With a carefully designed instantiation of a causal model on the knowledge graph, we generate the counterfactual relations to answer the question by regarding the representations of entity pair given relation as context, structural information of relation-aware neighborhood as treatment, and validity of the composed triplet as the outcome.

counterfactual Knowledge Graph Completion +2

Real-Time Super-Resolution for Real-World Images on Mobile Devices

no code implementations3 Jun 2022 Jie Cai, Zibo Meng, Jiaming Ding, Chiu Man Ho

Image Super-Resolution (ISR), which aims at recovering High-Resolution (HR) images from the corresponding Low-Resolution (LR) counterparts.

Image Super-Resolution SSIM

A Pairwise Probe for Understanding BERT Fine-Tuning on Machine Reading Comprehension

no code implementations2 Jun 2020 Jie Cai, Zhengzhou Zhu, Ping Nie, Qian Liu

In this paper, inspired by the observation that most probing tasks involve identifying matched pairs of phrases (e. g. coreference requires matching an entity and a pronoun), we propose a pairwise probe to understand BERT fine-tuning on the machine reading comprehension (MRC) task.

Boundary Detection coreference-resolution +1

A Label Informative Wide \& Deep Classifier for Patents and Papers

no code implementations IJCNLP 2019 Muyao Niu, Jie Cai

In this paper, we provide a simple and effective baseline for classifying both patents and papers to the well-established Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC).

Feature-level and Model-level Audiovisual Fusion for Emotion Recognition in the Wild

no code implementations6 Jun 2019 Jie Cai, Zibo Meng, Ahmed Shehab Khan, Zhiyuan Li, James O'Reilly, Shizhong Han, Ping Liu, Min Chen, Yan Tong

In this paper, we proposed two strategies to fuse information extracted from different modalities, i. e., audio and visual.

Emotion Recognition

Identity-Free Facial Expression Recognition using conditional Generative Adversarial Network

no code implementations19 Mar 2019 Jie Cai, Zibo Meng, Ahmed Shehab Khan, Zhiyuan Li, James O'Reilly, Shizhong Han, Yan Tong

A novel Identity-Free conditional Generative Adversarial Network (IF-GAN) was proposed for Facial Expression Recognition (FER) to explicitly reduce high inter-subject variations caused by identity-related facial attributes, e. g., age, race, and gender.

Facial Expression Recognition Facial Expression Recognition (FER) +1

Probabilistic Attribute Tree in Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition

no code implementations17 Dec 2018 Jie Cai, Zibo Meng, Ahmed Shehab Khan, Zhiyuan Li, James O'Reilly, Yan Tong

In this paper, we proposed a novel Probabilistic Attribute Tree-CNN (PAT-CNN) to explicitly deal with the large intra-class variations caused by identity-related attributes, e. g., age, race, and gender.

Attribute Facial Expression Recognition +1

Optimizing Filter Size in Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Action Unit Recognition

no code implementations CVPR 2018 Shizhong Han, Zibo Meng, Zhiyuan Li, James O'Reilly, Jie Cai, Xiao-Feng Wang, Yan Tong

Most recently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have shown promise for facial AU recognition, where predefined and fixed convolution filter sizes are employed.

Facial Action Unit Detection

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