Search Results for author: Jie Gu

Found 12 papers, 4 papers with code

Stimulating Imagination: Towards General-purpose Object Rearrangement

no code implementations3 Aug 2024 Jianyang Wu, Jie Gu, Xiaokang Ma, Chu Tang, Jingmin Chen

General-purpose object placement is a fundamental capability of an intelligent generalist robot, i. e., being capable of rearranging objects following human instructions even in novel environments.

Object Object Localization +1

Tackling Missing Values in Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasting: A Generative Approach

no code implementations6 Mar 2024 Honglin Wen, Pierre Pinson, Jie Gu, Zhijian Jin

Although it is natural to consider addressing this issue by imputing missing values before model estimation and forecasting, we suggest treating missing values and forecasting targets indifferently and predicting all unknown values simultaneously based on observations.

Missing Values

Interest-oriented Universal User Representation via Contrastive Learning

no code implementations18 Sep 2021 Qinghui Sun, Jie Gu, Bei Yang, Xiaoxiao Xu, Renjun Xu, Shangde Gao, Hong Liu, Huan Xu

Universal user representation has received many interests recently, with which we can be free from the cumbersome work of training a specific model for each downstream application.

Contrastive Learning Representation Learning +1

Elliptic Blowup Equations for 6d SCFTs. IV: Matters

1 code implementation4 Jun 2020 Jie Gu, Babak Haghighat, Albrecht Klemm, Kaiwen Sun, Xin Wang

Given the recent geometrical classification of 6d $(1, 0)$ SCFTs, a major question is how to compute for this large class their elliptic genera.

High Energy Physics - Theory Mathematical Physics Mathematical Physics

Sequential Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Fast Automatic Modulation Classification

2 code implementations9 Sep 2019 kaisheng Liao, Yaodong Zhao, Jie Gu, Yaping Zhang, Yi Zhong

A representative sequential convolutional recurrent neural network architecture with the two-layer convolutional neural network and subsequent two-layer long short-term memory neural network is developed to suggest the option for fast automatic modulation classification.

Classification Dimensionality Reduction +1

Progressive Sparse Local Attention for Video object detection

no code implementations ICCV 2019 Chaoxu Guo, Bin Fan, Jie Gu, Qian Zhang, Shiming Xiang, Veronique Prinet, Chunhong Pan

Instead of relying on optical flow, this paper proposes a novel module called Progressive Sparse Local Attention (PSLA), which establishes the spatial correspondence between features across frames in a local region with progressively sparser stride and uses the correspondence to propagate features.

Object object-detection +2

Structure-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2018 Jianlong Chang, Jie Gu, Lingfeng Wang, Gaofeng Meng, Shiming Xiang, Chunhong Pan

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are inherently subject to invariable filters that can only aggregate local inputs with the same topological structures.

Action Recognition Activity Detection +5

A Random Matrix Theoretical Approach to Early Event Detection in Smart Grid

no code implementations31 Jan 2015 Xing He, Robert Caiming Qiu, Qian Ai, Yinshuang Cao, Jie Gu, Zhijian Jin

With the statistical procedure, the proposed method is universal and fast; moreover, it is robust against traditional EED challenges (such as error accumulations, spurious correlations, and even bad data in core area).

Anomaly Detection Decision Making +1

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