Search Results for author: Jihong Liu

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Hyperbolic Fine-tuning for Large Language Models

1 code implementation5 Oct 2024 Menglin Yang, Aosong Feng, Bo Xiong, Jihong Liu, Irwin King, Rex Ying

Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that HypLoRA significantly enhances the performance of LLMs on reasoning tasks, particularly for complex reasoning problems.

DA-Net: A Disentangled and Adaptive Network for Multi-Source Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning

no code implementations7 Mar 2024 Ling Ge, Chunming Hu, Guanghui Ma, Jihong Liu, Hong Zhang

Secondly, we propose a class-aware parallel adaptation method that aligns class-level distributions for each source-target language pair, thereby alleviating the language pairs' language gap.

Cross-Lingual Transfer Disentanglement +1

ProKD: An Unsupervised Prototypical Knowledge Distillation Network for Zero-Resource Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition

no code implementations21 Jan 2023 Ling Ge, Chunming Hu, Guanghui Ma, Hong Zhang, Jihong Liu

Typically, these approaches adopt a teacher-student architecture, where the teacher network is trained in the source language, and the student network seeks to learn knowledge from the teacher network and is expected to perform well in the target language.

Contrastive Learning Cross-Lingual NER +4

A Segmentation-Oriented Inter-Class Transfer Method: Application to Retinal Vessel Segmentation

no code implementations20 Jun 2019 Chengzhi Shi, Jihong Liu, Dali Chen

Next, the semi-supervised clustering is conducted to select instances, from different sources databases, possessing similarities in the feature space.

Clustering Retinal Vessel Segmentation +1

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