Search Results for author: Jihoon Park

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Oscillations enhance time-series prediction in reservoir computing with feedback

no code implementations5 Jun 2024 Yuji Kawai, Takashi Morita, Jihoon Park, Minoru Asada

However, it is difficult to accurately reproduce the long-term target time series because the reservoir system becomes unstable.

Time Series Time Series Prediction

ELF: Encoding Speaker-Specific Latent Speech Feature for Speech Synthesis

no code implementations20 Nov 2023 Jungil Kong, Junmo Lee, Jeongmin Kim, Beomjeong Kim, Jihoon Park, Dohee Kong, Changheon Lee, Sangjin Kim

To overcome previous limitations, we propose effective methods for feature learning and representing target speakers' speech characteristics by discretizing the features and conditioning them to a speech synthesis model.

Speech Synthesis

SplitAMC: Split Learning for Robust Automatic Modulation Classification

no code implementations17 Apr 2023 Jihoon Park, Seungeun Oh, Seong-Lyun Kim

Automatic modulation classification (AMC) is a technology that identifies a modulation scheme without prior signal information and plays a vital role in various applications, including cognitive radio and link adaptation.

Classification Federated Learning

New Versions of Gradient Temporal Difference Learning

no code implementations9 Sep 2021 Donghwan Lee, Han-Dong Lim, Jihoon Park, Okyong Choi

Sutton, Szepesv\'{a}ri and Maei introduced the first gradient temporal-difference (GTD) learning algorithms compatible with both linear function approximation and off-policy training.

Improving Accuracy of Binary Neural Networks using Unbalanced Activation Distribution

no code implementations CVPR 2021 HyungJun Kim, Jihoon Park, Changhun Lee, Jae-Joon Kim

We also show that adjusting the threshold values of binary activation functions results in the unbalanced distribution of the binary activation, which increases the accuracy of BNN models.


Compensated Integrated Gradients to Reliably Interpret EEG Classification

no code implementations21 Nov 2018 Kazuki Tachikawa, Yuji Kawai, Jihoon Park, Minoru Asada

Integrated gradients are widely employed to evaluate the contribution of input features in classification models because it satisfies the axioms for attribution of prediction.

Classification EEG +1

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