Search Results for author: Jim Q. Smith

Found 14 papers, 1 papers with code

The diameter of a stochastic matrix: A new measure for sensitivity analysis in Bayesian networks

no code implementations5 Jul 2024 Manuele Leonelli, Jim Q. Smith, Sophia K. Wright

Bayesian networks are one of the most widely used classes of probabilistic models for risk management and decision support because of their interpretability and flexibility in including heterogeneous pieces of information.


Lexical semantic change for Ancient Greek and Latin

1 code implementation22 Jan 2021 Valerio Perrone, Simon Hengchen, Marco Palma, Alessandro Vatri, Jim Q. Smith, Barbara McGillivray

In this chapter we build on GASC, a recent computational approach to semantic change based on a dynamic Bayesian mixture model.

A Bayesian decision support system for counteracting activities of terrorist groups

no code implementations8 Jul 2020 Aditi Shenvi, F. Oliver Bunnin, Jim Q. Smith

Activities of terrorist groups present a serious threat to the security and well-being of the general public.

Constructing a Chain Event Graph from a Staged Tree

no code implementations29 Jun 2020 Aditi Shenvi, Jim Q. Smith

This coloured event tree, also known as a staged tree, is the output of the learning algorithms used for this family.

Missing Values

Propagation for Dynamic Continuous Time Chain Event Graphs

no code implementations29 Jun 2020 Aditi Shenvi, Jim Q. Smith

Chain Event Graphs (CEGs) are a family of event-based graphical models that represent context-specific conditional independences typically exhibited by asymmetric state space problems.

Rolling Shutter Correction

Bayesian Learning of Causal Relationships for System Reliability

no code implementations14 Feb 2020 Xuewen Yu, Jim Q. Smith, Linda Nichols

Causal theory is now widely developed with many applications to medicine and public health.

Properties of an N Time-Slice Dynamic Chain Event Graph

no code implementations22 Oct 2018 Rodrigo A. Collazo, Jim Q. Smith

An N Time-Slice DCEG (NT-DCEG) is a useful subclass of the DCEG class that exhibits a specific type of periodicity in its supporting tree graph and embodies a time-homogeneity assumption.

An N Time-Slice Dynamic Chain Event Graph

no code implementations17 Aug 2018 Rodrigo A. Collazo, Jim Q. Smith

The Dynamic Chain Event Graph (DCEG) is able to depict many classes of discrete random processes exhibiting asymmetries in their developments and context-specific conditional probabilities structures.

Directed expected utility networks

no code implementations2 Aug 2016 Manuele Leonelli, Jim Q. Smith

We then proceed with the construction of a directed expected utility network to support decision makers in the domain of household food security.

A symbolic algebra for the computation of expected utilities in multiplicative influence diagrams

no code implementations28 Jul 2016 Manuele Leonelli, Eva Riccomagno, Jim Q. Smith

For problems where all random variables and decision spaces are finite and discrete, here we develop a symbolic way to calculate the expected utilities of influence diagrams that does not require a full numerical representation.

Sensitivity analysis, multilinearity and beyond

no code implementations7 Dec 2015 Manuele Leonelli, Christiane Görgen, Jim Q. Smith

Sensitivity methods for the analysis of the outputs of discrete Bayesian networks have been extensively studied and implemented in different software packages.

A Separation Theorem for Chain Event Graphs

no code implementations21 Jan 2015 Peter A. Thwaites, Jim Q. Smith

Bayesian Networks (BNs) are popular graphical models for the representation of statistical problems embodying dependence relationships between a number of variables.

Exact Estimation of Multiple Directed Acyclic Graphs

no code implementations4 Apr 2014 Chris. J. Oates, Jim Q. Smith, Sach Mukherjee, James Cussens

This paper considers the problem of estimating the structure of multiple related directed acyclic graph (DAG) models.

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