Search Results for author: Jin Han

Found 9 papers, 2 papers with code

Hashing based Contrastive Learning for Virtual Screening

no code implementations29 Jul 2024 Jin Han, Yun Hong, Wu-Jun Li

In particular, DrugHash designs a simple yet effective hashing strategy to enable end-to-end learning of binary hash codes for both protein and molecule modalities, which can dramatically reduce the memory and time costs with higher accuracy compared with existing methods.

Contrastive Learning Drug Discovery +1

QuakeBERT: Accurate Classification of Social Media Texts for Rapid Earthquake Impact Assessment

no code implementations6 May 2024 Jin Han, Zhe Zheng, Xin-Zheng Lu, Ke-Yin Chen, Jia-Rui Lin

First, a few categories are introduced to classify and filter microblogs considering their relationship to the physical and social impacts of earthquakes, and a dataset comprising 7282 earthquake-related microblogs from twenty earthquakes in different locations is developed as well.

Disaster Response Language Modelling +2

EventPS: Real-Time Photometric Stereo Using an Event Camera

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Bohan Yu, Jieji Ren, Jin Han, Feishi Wang, Jinxiu Liang, Boxin Shi

Photometric stereo is a well-established technique to estimate the surface normal of an object.

Learning Event Guided High Dynamic Range Video Reconstruction

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Yixin Yang, Jin Han, Jinxiu Liang, Imari Sato, Boxin Shi

Limited by the trade-off between frame rate and exposure time when capturing moving scenes with conventional cameras, frame based HDR video reconstruction suffers from scene-dependent exposure ratio balancing and ghosting artifacts.

Video Reconstruction

High-Fidelity Event-Radiance Recovery via Transient Event Frequency

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Jin Han, Yuta Asano, Boxin Shi, Yinqiang Zheng, Imari Sato

High-fidelity radiance recovery plays a crucial role in scene information reconstruction and understanding.

EvIntSR-Net: Event Guided Multiple Latent Frames Reconstruction and Super-Resolution

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Jin Han, Yixin Yang, Chu Zhou, Chao Xu, Boxin Shi

To reconstruct high-resolution intensity images from event data, we propose EvIntSR-Net that converts event data to multiple latent intensity frames to achieve super-resolution on intensity images in this paper.


UnModNet: Learning to Unwrap a Modulo Image for High Dynamic Range Imaging

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Chu Zhou, Hang Zhao, Jin Han, Chang Xu, Chao Xu, Tiejun Huang, Boxin Shi

A conventional camera often suffers from over- or under-exposure when recording a real-world scene with a very high dynamic range (HDR).

Neuromorphic Camera Guided High Dynamic Range Imaging

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Jin Han, Chu Zhou, Peiqi Duan, Yehui Tang, Chang Xu, Chao Xu, Tiejun Huang, Boxin Shi

Reconstruction of high dynamic range image from a single low dynamic range image captured by a frame-based conventional camera, which suffers from over- or under-exposure, is an ill-posed problem.

Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

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