Search Results for author: Jin Jing

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

ProtoEEGNet: An Interpretable Approach for Detecting Interictal Epileptiform Discharges

no code implementations3 Dec 2023 Dennis Tang, Frank Willard, Ronan Tegerdine, Luke Triplett, Jon Donnelly, Luke Moffett, Lesia Semenova, Alina Jade Barnett, Jin Jing, Cynthia Rudin, Brandon Westover

In high-stakes medical applications, it is critical to have interpretable models so that experts can validate the reasoning of the model before making important diagnoses.

Decision Making EEG

Effects of Epileptiform Activity on Discharge Outcome in Critically Ill Patients

no code implementations9 Mar 2022 Harsh Parikh, Kentaro Hoffman, Haoqi Sun, Wendong Ge, Jin Jing, Rajesh Amerineni, Lin Liu, Jimeng Sun, Sahar Zafar, Aaron Struck, Alexander Volfovsky, Cynthia Rudin, M. Brandon Westover

Having a maximum EA burden greater than 75% when untreated had a 22% increased chance of a poor outcome (severe disability or death), and mild but long-lasting EA increased the risk of a poor outcome by 14%.

Causal Inference Decision Making

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