Search Results for author: Jin-Gang Yu

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

Intensity Field Decomposition for Tissue-Guided Neural Tomography

no code implementations1 Nov 2024 Meng-Xun Li, Jin-Gang Yu, Yuan Gao, Cui Huang, Gui-Song Xia

The network represents the intensity field as a combination of soft and hard tissue components, along with their respective textures.

Neural Rendering

DMTG: One-Shot Differentiable Multi-Task Grouping

1 code implementation6 Jul 2024 Yuan Gao, Shuguo Jiang, Moran Li, Jin-Gang Yu, Gui-Song Xia

Given N tasks, we propose to simultaneously identify the best task groups from 2^N candidates and train the model weights simultaneously in one-shot, with the high-order task-affinity fully exploited.

Multi-Task Learning

Aux-NAS: Exploiting Auxiliary Labels with Negligibly Extra Inference Cost

1 code implementation9 May 2024 Yuan Gao, Weizhong Zhang, Wenhan Luo, Lin Ma, Jin-Gang Yu, Gui-Song Xia, Jiayi Ma

We aim at exploiting additional auxiliary labels from an independent (auxiliary) task to boost the primary task performance which we focus on, while preserving a single task inference cost of the primary task.

Auxiliary Learning Neural Architecture Search

Few-Shot Learning for Annotation-Efficient Nucleus Instance Segmentation

no code implementations26 Feb 2024 Yu Ming, Zihao Wu, Jie Yang, Danyi Li, Yuan Gao, Changxin Gao, Gui-Song Xia, Yuanqing Li, Li Liang, Jin-Gang Yu

In this paper, we propose to formulate annotation-efficient nucleus instance segmentation from the perspective of few-shot learning (FSL).

Few-shot Instance Segmentation Few-Shot Learning +4

Complete Instances Mining for Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation

1 code implementation International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023 Zecheng Li, Zening Zeng, Yuqi Liang, Jin-Gang Yu

To address this problem, we propose a novel approach for WSIS that focuses on the online refinement of complete instances through the use of MaskIoU heads to predict the integrity scores of proposals and a Complete Instances Mining (CIM) strategy to explicitly model the redundant segmentation problem and generate refined pseudo labels.

Instance Segmentation Segmentation +2

Learning to Holistically Detect Bridges from Large-Size VHR Remote Sensing Imagery

no code implementations5 Dec 2023 Yansheng Li, Junwei Luo, Yongjun Zhang, Yihua Tan, Jin-Gang Yu, Song Bai

Therefore, to ensure the visibility and integrity of bridges, it is essential to perform holistic bridge detection in large-size very-high-resolution (VHR) RSIs.

object-detection Object Detection

Context-Aware Selective Label Smoothing for Calibrating Sequence Recognition Model

no code implementations13 Mar 2023 Shuangping Huang, Yu Luo, Zhenzhou Zhuang, Jin-Gang Yu, Mengchao He, Yongpan Wang

Despite the success of deep neural network (DNN) on sequential data (i. e., scene text and speech) recognition, it suffers from the over-confidence problem mainly due to overfitting in training with the cross-entropy loss, which may make the decision-making less reliable.

Decision Making Scene Text Recognition +2

Deep Graph Matching under Quadratic Constraint

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Quankai Gao, Fudong Wang, Nan Xue, Jin-Gang Yu, Gui-Song Xia

Recently, deep learning based methods have demonstrated promising results on the graph matching problem, by relying on the descriptive capability of deep features extracted on graph nodes.

Descriptive Graph Matching

FGN: Fully Guided Network for Few-Shot Instance Segmentation

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Zhibo Fan, Jin-Gang Yu, Zhihao Liang, Jiarong Ou, Changxin Gao, Gui-Song Xia, Yuanqing Li

Few-shot instance segmentation (FSIS) conjoins the few-shot learning paradigm with general instance segmentation, which provides a possible way of tackling instance segmentation in the lack of abundant labeled data for training.

Few-shot Instance Segmentation Few-Shot Learning +3

Zero-Assignment Constraint for Graph Matching with Outliers

1 code implementation CVPR 2020 Fu-Dong Wang, Nan Xue, Jin-Gang Yu, Gui-Song Xia

Graph matching (GM), as a longstanding problem in computer vision and pattern recognition, still suffers from numerous cluttered outliers in practical applications.

Graph Matching valid

Exemplar-based Linear Discriminant Analysis for Robust Object Tracking

no code implementations24 Feb 2014 Changxin Gao, Feifei Chen, Jin-Gang Yu, Rui Huang, Nong Sang

However, the task in tracking is to search for a specific object, rather than an object category as in detection.

Object Object Tracking

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