Search Results for author: Jinbao Li

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Enhanced Urban Region Profiling with Adversarial Contrastive Learning

no code implementations2 Feb 2024 Weiliang Chen, Qianqian Ren, Lin Pan, Shengxi Fu, Jinbao Li

Finally, we jointly optimize attentive supervised and adversarial contrastive learning to encourage the model to capture the high-level semantics of region embeddings while ignoring the noisy and irrelevant details.

Collaborative Filtering Contrastive Learning +2

Distillation Enhanced Time Series Forecasting Network with Momentum Contrastive Learning

1 code implementation31 Jan 2024 Haozhi Gao, Qianqian Ren, Jinbao Li

Meanwhile, we design a supervised task to learn more robust representations and facilitate the contrastive learning process.

Contrastive Learning Data Augmentation +3

MEAOD: Model Extraction Attack against Object Detectors

no code implementations22 Dec 2023 Zeyu Li, Chenghui Shi, Yuwen Pu, Xuhong Zhang, Yu Li, Jinbao Li, Shouling Ji

The widespread use of deep learning technology across various industries has made deep neural network models highly valuable and, as a result, attractive targets for potential attackers.

Active Learning Model extraction +3

Multi-behavior Recommendation with SVD Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations13 Sep 2023 Shengxi Fu, Qianqian Ren, Xingfeng Lv, Jinbao Li

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been extensively employed in the field of recommendation systems, offering users personalized recommendations and yielding remarkable outcomes.

Contrastive Learning Recommendation Systems

Attentive Graph Enhanced Region Representation Learning

no code implementations6 Jul 2023 Weiliang Chen, Qianqian Ren, Jinbao Li

In this paper, we propose the Attentive Graph Enhanced Region Representation Learning (ATGRL) model, which aims to capture comprehensive dependencies from multiple graphs and learn rich semantic representations of urban regions.

Graph Attention point of interests +1

Sharp Eyes: A Salient Object Detector Working The Same Way as Human Visual Characteristics

1 code implementation18 Jan 2023 Ge Zhu, Jinbao Li, Yahong Guo

In the OS branch, we first aggregate multi-level features to adaptively select complementary components, and then feed the saliency features with expanded boundary into aggregated features to guide the network obtain complete prediction.

Semantic Segmentation

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