Search Results for author: Jinchao Li

Found 21 papers, 8 papers with code

emotion2vec: Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Speech Emotion Representation

2 code implementations23 Dec 2023 Ziyang Ma, Zhisheng Zheng, Jiaxin Ye, Jinchao Li, Zhifu Gao, Shiliang Zhang, Xie Chen

To the best of our knowledge, emotion2vec is the first universal representation model in various emotion-related tasks, filling a gap in the field.

Self-Supervised Learning Sentiment Analysis +1

Resprompt: Residual Connection Prompting Advances Multi-Step Reasoning in Large Language Models

no code implementations7 Oct 2023 Song Jiang, Zahra Shakeri, Aaron Chan, Maziar Sanjabi, Hamed Firooz, Yinglong Xia, Bugra Akyildiz, Yizhou Sun, Jinchao Li, Qifan Wang, Asli Celikyilmaz

Breakdown analysis further highlights RESPROMPT particularly excels in complex multi-step reasoning: for questions demanding at least five reasoning steps, RESPROMPT outperforms the best CoT based benchmarks by a remarkable average improvement of 21. 1% on LLaMA-65B and 14. 3% on LLaMA2-70B.


A Hierarchical Regression Chain Framework for Affective Vocal Burst Recognition

1 code implementation14 Mar 2023 Jinchao Li, Xixin Wu, Kaitao Song, Dongsheng Li, Xunying Liu, Helen Meng

Experimental results based on the ACII Challenge 2022 dataset demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed system and the effectiveness of considering multiple relationships using hierarchical regression chain models.

A-VB Culture A-VB High +6

Spoofing-Aware Speaker Verification by Multi-Level Fusion

no code implementations29 Mar 2022 Haibin Wu, Lingwei Meng, Jiawen Kang, Jinchao Li, Xu Li, Xixin Wu, Hung-Yi Lee, Helen Meng

In the second-level fusion, the CM score and ASV scores directly from ASV systems will be concatenated into a prediction block for the final decision.

Speaker Verification

ValueNet: A New Dataset for Human Value Driven Dialogue System

no code implementations12 Dec 2021 Liang Qiu, Yizhou Zhao, Jinchao Li, Pan Lu, Baolin Peng, Jianfeng Gao, Song-Chun Zhu

To the best of our knowledge, ValueNet is the first large-scale text dataset for human value modeling, and we are the first one trying to incorporate a value model into emotionally intelligent dialogue systems.

Dialogue Generation Emotion Recognition +2

SYNERGY: Building Task Bots at Scale Using Symbolic Knowledge and Machine Teaching

no code implementations21 Oct 2021 Baolin Peng, Chunyuan Li, Zhu Zhang, Jinchao Li, Chenguang Zhu, Jianfeng Gao

We propose SYNERGY, a hybrid learning framework where a task bot is developed in two steps: (i) Symbolic knowledge to neural networks: Large amounts of simulated dialog sessions are generated based on task-specific symbolic knowledge which is represented as a task schema consisting of dialog flows and task-oriented databases.


RADDLE: An Evaluation Benchmark and Analysis Platform for Robust Task-oriented Dialog Systems

no code implementations ACL 2021 Baolin Peng, Chunyuan Li, Zhu Zhang, Chenguang Zhu, Jinchao Li, Jianfeng Gao

For task-oriented dialog systems to be maximally useful, it must be able to process conversations in a way that is (1) generalizable with a small number of training examples for new task domains, and (2) robust to user input in various styles, modalities or domains.

Robust Conversational AI with Grounded Text Generation

no code implementations7 Sep 2020 Jianfeng Gao, Baolin Peng, Chunyuan Li, Jinchao Li, Shahin Shayandeh, Lars Liden, Heung-Yeung Shum

This article provides an overview of this progress and discusses related methods and technologies that can be incorporated for building robust conversational AI systems.

Text Generation World Knowledge

Conversation Learner - A Machine Teaching Tool for Building Dialog Managers for Task-Oriented Dialog Systems

no code implementations ACL 2020 Swadheen Shukla, Lars Liden, Shay, Shahin eh, Eslam Kamal, Jinchao Li, Matt Mazzola, Thomas Park, Baolin Peng, Jianfeng Gao

Traditionally, industry solutions for building a task-oriented dialog system have relied on helping dialog authors define rule-based dialog managers, represented as dialog flows.

Conversation Learner -- A Machine Teaching Tool for Building Dialog Managers for Task-Oriented Dialog Systems

no code implementations9 Apr 2020 Swadheen Shukla, Lars Liden, Shahin Shayandeh, Eslam Kamal, Jinchao Li, Matt Mazzola, Thomas Park, Baolin Peng, Jianfeng Gao

Traditionally, industry solutions for building a task-oriented dialog system have relied on helping dialog authors define rule-based dialog managers, represented as dialog flows.

Guided Dialog Policy Learning without Adversarial Learning in the Loop

1 code implementation7 Apr 2020 Ziming Li, Sungjin Lee, Baolin Peng, Jinchao Li, Julia Kiseleva, Maarten de Rijke, Shahin Shayandeh, Jianfeng Gao

Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods have emerged as a popular choice for training an efficient and effective dialogue policy.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Few-shot Natural Language Generation for Task-Oriented Dialog

2 code implementations Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 Baolin Peng, Chenguang Zhu, Chunyuan Li, Xiujun Li, Jinchao Li, Michael Zeng, Jianfeng Gao

It is pre-trained on a large set of annotated NLG corpus to acquire the controllable generation ability, and fine-tuned with only a few domain-specific labels to adapt to new domains.

Data-to-Text Generation Few-Shot Learning

ConvLab-2: An Open-Source Toolkit for Building, Evaluating, and Diagnosing Dialogue Systems

1 code implementation ACL 2020 Qi Zhu, Zheng Zhang, Yan Fang, Xiang Li, Ryuichi Takanobu, Jinchao Li, Baolin Peng, Jianfeng Gao, Xiaoyan Zhu, Minlie Huang

We present ConvLab-2, an open-source toolkit that enables researchers to build task-oriented dialogue systems with state-of-the-art models, perform an end-to-end evaluation, and diagnose the weakness of systems.

Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

ConvLab: Multi-Domain End-to-End Dialog System Platform

2 code implementations ACL 2019 Sungjin Lee, Qi Zhu, Ryuichi Takanobu, Xiang Li, Yaoqin Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Jinchao Li, Baolin Peng, Xiujun Li, Minlie Huang, Jianfeng Gao

We present ConvLab, an open-source multi-domain end-to-end dialog system platform, that enables researchers to quickly set up experiments with reusable components and compare a large set of different approaches, ranging from conventional pipeline systems to end-to-end neural models, in common environments.

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