Search Results for author: Jinfeng Wang

Found 11 papers, 3 papers with code

Contrastive Learning Via Equivariant Representation

no code implementations1 Jun 2024 Sifan Song, Jinfeng Wang, Qiaochu Zhao, Xiang Li, Dufan Wu, Angelos Stefanidis, Jionglong Su, S. Kevin Zhou, Quanzheng Li

We propose CLeVER (Contrastive Learning Via Equivariant Representation), a novel equivariant contrastive learning framework compatible with augmentation strategies of arbitrary complexity for various mainstream CL backbone models.

Contrastive Learning

Atrial Septal Defect Detection in Children Based on Ultrasound Video Using Multiple Instances Learning

no code implementations6 Jun 2023 Yiman Liu, Qiming Huang, Xiaoxiang Han, Tongtong Liang, Zhifang Zhang, Lijun Chen, Jinfeng Wang, Angelos Stefanidis, Jionglong Su, Jiangang Chen, Qingli Li, Yuqi Zhang

In addition, data from 30 children patients (15 positives and 15 negatives) are collected for clinician testing and compared to our model test results (these 30 samples do not participate in model training).

Defect Detection Specificity

Distortion-Disentangled Contrastive Learning

no code implementations9 Mar 2023 Jinfeng Wang, Sifan Song, Jionglong Su, S. Kevin Zhou

The POCL method typically uses a single loss function to extract the distortion invariant representation (DIR) which describes the proximity of positive-pair representations affected by different distortions.

Contrastive Learning Disentanglement +1

DuAT: Dual-Aggregation Transformer Network for Medical Image Segmentation

1 code implementation21 Dec 2022 Feilong Tang, Qiming Huang, Jinfeng Wang, Xianxu Hou, Jionglong Su, Jingxin Liu

The GLSA has the ability to aggregate and represent both global and local spatial features, which are beneficial for locating large and small objects, respectively.

Image Segmentation Lesion Segmentation +2

Stepwise Feature Fusion: Local Guides Global

1 code implementation7 Mar 2022 Jinfeng Wang, Qiming Huang, Feilong Tang, Jia Meng, Jionglong Su, Sifan Song

However, due to the structure of polyps image and the varying shapes of polyps, it easy for existing deep learning models to overfitting the current dataset.

Decoder Image Segmentation +3

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