Search Results for author: Jing-Hao Xue

Found 51 papers, 28 papers with code

360PanT: Training-Free Text-Driven 360-Degree Panorama-to-Panorama Translation

1 code implementation12 Sep 2024 Hai Wang, Jing-Hao Xue

Secondly, leveraging this embedded noisy latent representation and guided by a target prompt, the seamless tiling translation with spatial control enables the generation of a translated image with identical left and right halves while adhering to the extended input's structure and semantic layout.

Image-to-Image Translation Translation

PUAL: A Classifier on Trifurcate Positive-Unlabeled Data

no code implementations31 May 2024 Xiaoke Wang, Xiaochen Yang, Rui Zhu, Jing-Hao Xue

Positive-unlabeled (PU) learning aims to train a classifier using the data containing only labeled-positive instances and unlabeled instances.

BDC-Occ: Binarized Deep Convolution Unit For Binarized Occupancy Network

1 code implementation27 May 2024 Zongkai Zhang, Zidong Xu, Wenming Yang, Qingmin Liao, Jing-Hao Xue

To bridge these gaps, we propose a novel binarized deep convolution (BDC) unit that effectively enhances performance while increasing the number of binarized convolutional layers.


UMBRAE: Unified Multimodal Brain Decoding

1 code implementation10 Apr 2024 Weihao Xia, Raoul de Charette, Cengiz Öztireli, Jing-Hao Xue

We address prevailing challenges of the brain-powered research, departing from the observation that the literature hardly recover accurate spatial information and require subject-specific models.

Brain Decoding Language Modelling +2

High-Order Structure Based Middle-Feature Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification

1 code implementation13 Dec 2023 Liuxiang Qiu, Si Chen, Yan Yan, Jing-Hao Xue, Da-Han Wang, Shunzhi Zhu

Existing VI-ReID methods ignore high-order structure information of features while being relatively difficult to learn a reasonable common feature space due to the large modality discrepancy between VIS and IR images.

Person Re-Identification

Spatial-Contextual Discrepancy Information Compensation for GAN Inversion

1 code implementation12 Dec 2023 Ziqiang Zhang, Yan Yan, Jing-Hao Xue, Hanzi Wang

SDIC follows a "compensate-and-edit" paradigm and successfully bridges the gap in image details between the original image and the reconstructed/edited image.

DREAM: Visual Decoding from Reversing Human Visual System

1 code implementation3 Oct 2023 Weihao Xia, Raoul de Charette, Cengiz Öztireli, Jing-Hao Xue

In this work we present DREAM, an fMRI-to-image method for reconstructing viewed images from brain activities, grounded on fundamental knowledge of the human visual system.

A Survey on Deep Generative 3D-aware Image Synthesis

1 code implementation25 Oct 2022 Weihao Xia, Jing-Hao Xue

Recent years have seen remarkable progress in deep learning powered visual content creation.

3D-Aware Image Synthesis Survey

Modelling Latent Dynamics of StyleGAN using Neural ODEs

1 code implementation23 Aug 2022 Weihao Xia, Yujiu Yang, Jing-Hao Xue

The entire sequence is seen as discrete-time observations of a continuous trajectory of the initial latent code, by considering each latent code as a moving particle and the latent space as a high-dimensional dynamic system.

Video Editing

Learn-to-Decompose: Cascaded Decomposition Network for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Facial Expression Recognition

1 code implementation16 Jul 2022 Xinyi Zou, Yan Yan, Jing-Hao Xue, Si Chen, Hanzi Wang

Extensive experiments on both in-the-lab and in-the-wild compound expression datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed CDNet against several state-of-the-art FSL methods.

cross-domain few-shot learning Facial Expression Recognition +1

Stage-Aware Feature Alignment Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes

no code implementations8 Mar 2022 Xi Weng, Yan Yan, Si Chen, Jing-Hao Xue, Hanzi Wang

In this paper, we present a novel Stage-aware Feature Alignment Network (SFANet) based on the encoder-decoder structure for real-time semantic segmentation of street scenes.

Decoder Real-Time Semantic Segmentation +1

When Facial Expression Recognition Meets Few-Shot Learning: A Joint and Alternate Learning Framework

no code implementations18 Jan 2022 Xinyi Zou, Yan Yan, Jing-Hao Xue, Si Chen, Hanzi Wang

To alleviate the problem of limited base classes in our FER task, we propose a novel Emotion Guided Similarity Network (EGS-Net), consisting of an emotion branch and a similarity branch, based on a two-stage learning framework.

cross-domain few-shot learning Facial Expression Recognition +1

Learning Spatial-Semantic Relationship for Facial Attribute Recognition With Limited Labeled Data

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Ying Shu, Yan Yan, Si Chen, Jing-Hao Xue, Chunhua Shen, Hanzi Wang

First, three auxiliary tasks, consisting of a Patch Rotation Task (PRT), a Patch Segmentation Task (PST), and a Patch Classification Task (PCT), are jointly developed to learn the spatial-semantic relationship from large-scale unlabeled facial data.

Attribute Facial Attribute Classification +1

Deep Metric Learning for Few-Shot Image Classification: A Review of Recent Developments

no code implementations17 May 2021 Xiaoxu Li, Xiaochen Yang, Zhanyu Ma, Jing-Hao Xue

Few-shot image classification is a challenging problem that aims to achieve the human level of recognition based only on a small number of training images.

Classification Few-Shot Image Classification +3

SCNet: Enhancing Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation by Self-Contrastive Background Prototypes

no code implementations19 Apr 2021 Jiacheng Chen, Bin-Bin Gao, Zongqing Lu, Jing-Hao Xue, Chengjie Wang, Qingmin Liao

To this end, we generate self-contrastive background prototypes directly from the query image, with which we enable the construction of complete sample pairs and thus a complementary and auxiliary segmentation task to achieve the training of a better segmentation model.

Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation Metric Learning +2

Towards Open-World Text-Guided Face Image Generation and Manipulation

2 code implementations18 Apr 2021 Weihao Xia, Yujiu Yang, Jing-Hao Xue, Baoyuan Wu

To be specific, we propose a brand new paradigm of text-guided image generation and manipulation based on the superior characteristics of a pretrained GAN model.

Language Modelling Semantic Segmentation +1

GAN Inversion: A Survey

1 code implementation14 Jan 2021 Weihao Xia, Yulun Zhang, Yujiu Yang, Jing-Hao Xue, Bolei Zhou, Ming-Hsuan Yang

GAN inversion aims to invert a given image back into the latent space of a pretrained GAN model, for the image to be faithfully reconstructed from the inverted code by the generator.

Image Manipulation Image Restoration +1

Generalization Bound of Gradient Descent for Non-Convex Metric Learning

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Mingzhi Dong, Xiaochen Yang, Rui Zhu, Yujiang Wang, Jing-Hao Xue

Metric learning aims to learn a distance measure that can benefit distance-based methods such as the nearest neighbour (NN) classifier.

Metric Learning

BSNet: Bi-Similarity Network for Few-shot Fine-grained Image Classification

1 code implementation29 Nov 2020 Xiaoxu Li, Jijie Wu, Zhuo Sun, Zhanyu Ma, Jie Cao, Jing-Hao Xue

Motivated by this, we propose a so-called \textit{Bi-Similarity Network} (\textit{BSNet}) that consists of a single embedding module and a bi-similarity module of two similarity measures.

Few-Shot Learning Fine-Grained Image Classification +1

DS-UI: Dual-Supervised Mixture of Gaussian Mixture Models for Uncertainty Inference

no code implementations17 Nov 2020 Jiyang Xie, Zhanyu Ma, Jing-Hao Xue, Guoqiang Zhang, Jun Guo

In the DS-UI, we combine the classifier of a DNN, i. e., the last fully-connected (FC) layer, with a mixture of Gaussian mixture models (MoGMM) to obtain an MoGMM-FC layer.

Controllable Continuous Gaze Redirection

1 code implementation9 Oct 2020 Weihao Xia, Yujiu Yang, Jing-Hao Xue, Wensen Feng

The encoder maps images into a well-disentangled and hierarchically-organized latent space.

Attribute Decoder +1

ReMarNet: Conjoint Relation and Margin Learning for Small-Sample Image Classification

1 code implementation27 Jun 2020 Xiaoxu Li, Liyun Yu, Xiaochen Yang, Zhanyu Ma, Jing-Hao Xue, Jie Cao, Jun Guo

Despite achieving state-of-the-art performance, deep learning methods generally require a large amount of labeled data during training and may suffer from overfitting when the sample size is small.

Classification General Classification +3

Towards Certified Robustness of Distance Metric Learning

1 code implementation10 Jun 2020 Xiaochen Yang, Yiwen Guo, Mingzhi Dong, Jing-Hao Xue

Many existing methods consider maximizing or at least constraining a distance margin in the feature space that separates similar and dissimilar pairs of instances to guarantee their generalization ability.

Metric Learning Triplet

A Concise Review of Recent Few-shot Meta-learning Methods

no code implementations22 May 2020 Xiaoxu Li, Zhuo Sun, Jing-Hao Xue, Zhanyu Ma

Few-shot meta-learning has been recently reviving with expectations to mimic humanity's fast adaption to new concepts based on prior knowledge.


OSLNet: Deep Small-Sample Classification with an Orthogonal Softmax Layer

1 code implementation20 Apr 2020 Xiaoxu Li, Dongliang Chang, Zhanyu Ma, Zheng-Hua Tan, Jing-Hao Xue, Jie Cao, Jingyi Yu, Jun Guo

A deep neural network of multiple nonlinear layers forms a large function space, which can easily lead to overfitting when it encounters small-sample data.

Classification General Classification

Real-MFF: A Large Realistic Multi-focus Image Dataset with Ground Truth

no code implementations28 Mar 2020 Juncheng Zhang, Qingmin Liao, Shaojun Liu, Haoyu Ma, Wenming Yang, Jing-Hao Xue

In this letter, we introduce a large and realistic multi-focus dataset called Real-MFF, which contains 710 pairs of source images with corresponding ground truth images.

XSepConv: Extremely Separated Convolution

no code implementations27 Feb 2020 Jiarong Chen, Zongqing Lu, Jing-Hao Xue, Qingmin Liao

Depthwise convolution has gradually become an indispensable operation for modern efficient neural networks and larger kernel sizes ($\ge5$) have been applied to it recently.

Deep Multi-task Multi-label CNN for Effective Facial Attribute Classification

no code implementations10 Feb 2020 Longbiao Mao, Yan Yan, Jing-Hao Xue, Hanzi Wang

Two different network architectures are respectively designed to extract features for two groups of attributes, and a novel dynamic weighting scheme is proposed to automatically assign the loss weight to each facial attribute during training.

Attribute Face Detection +5

Domain Fingerprints for No-reference Image Quality Assessment

no code implementations2 Nov 2019 Weihao Xia, Yujiu Yang, Jing-Hao Xue, Jing Xiao

Human fingerprints are detailed and nearly unique markers of human identity.


An α-Matte Boundary Defocus Model Based Cascaded Network for Multi-focus Image Fusion

2 code implementations29 Oct 2019 Haoyu Ma, Qingmin Liao, Juncheng Zhang, Shaojun Liu, Jing-Hao Xue

Based on this {\alpha}-matte defocus model and the generated data, a cascaded boundary aware convolutional network termed MMF-Net is proposed and trained, aiming to achieve clearer fusion results around the FDB.

Discriminant analysis based on projection onto generalized difference subspace

no code implementations29 Oct 2019 Kazuhiro Fukui, Naoya Sogi, Takumi Kobayashi, Jing-Hao Xue, Atsuto Maki

To avoid the difficulty, we first introduce geometrical Fisher discriminant analysis (gFDA) based on a simplified Fisher criterion.

LCSCNet: Linear Compressing Based Skip-Connecting Network for Image Super-Resolution

1 code implementation9 Sep 2019 Wenming Yang, Xuechen Zhang, Yapeng Tian, Wei Wang, Jing-Hao Xue, Qingmin Liao

In this paper, we develop a concise but efficient network architecture called linear compressing based skip-connecting network (LCSCNet) for image super-resolution.

Image Super-Resolution

Constrained Mutual Convex Cone Method for Image Set Based Recognition

no code implementations14 Mar 2019 Naoya Sogi, Rui Zhu, Jing-Hao Xue, Kazuhiro Fukui

Moreover, to enhance the framework, we introduce a discriminant space that maximizes the between-class variance (gaps) and minimizes the within-class variance of the projected convex cones onto the discriminant space, similar to the Fisher discriminant analysis.

Classification General Classification

Bi-stream Pose Guided Region Ensemble Network for Fingertip Localization from Stereo Images

no code implementations26 Feb 2019 Guijin Wang, Cairong Zhang, Xinghao Chen, Xiangyang Ji, Jing-Hao Xue, Hang Wang

To mitigate these limitations and promote further research on hand pose estimation from stereo images, we propose a new large-scale binocular hand pose dataset called THU-Bi-Hand, offering a new perspective for fingertip localization.

3D Hand Pose Estimation Missing Values

Deep Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution: A Brief Review

1 code implementation9 Aug 2018 Wenming Yang, Xuechen Zhang, Yapeng Tian, Wei Wang, Jing-Hao Xue

Single image super-resolution (SISR) is a notoriously challenging ill-posed problem, which aims to obtain a high-resolution (HR) output from one of its low-resolution (LR) versions.

Deep Learning Efficient Neural Network +1

SEA: A Combined Model for Heat Demand Prediction

no code implementations28 Jul 2018 Jiyang Xie, Jiaxin Guo, Zhanyu Ma, Jing-Hao Xue, Qie Sun, Hailong Li, Jun Guo

ENN and ARIMA are used to predict seasonal and trend components, respectively.

BALSON: Bayesian Least Squares Optimization with Nonnegative L1-Norm Constraint

no code implementations8 Jul 2018 Jiyang Xie, Zhanyu Ma, Guo-Qiang Zhang, Jing-Hao Xue, Jen-Tzung Chien, Zhiqing Lin, Jun Guo

In order to explicitly characterize the nonnegative L1-norm constraint of the parameters, we further approximate the true posterior distribution by a Dirichlet distribution.

Learning Local Metrics and Influential Regions for Classification

no code implementations9 Feb 2018 Mingzhi Dong, Yujiang Wang, Xiaochen Yang, Jing-Hao Xue

The performance of distance-based classifiers heavily depends on the underlying distance metric, so it is valuable to learn a suitable metric from the data.

Classification General Classification +1

Metric Learning via Maximizing the Lipschitz Margin Ratio

no code implementations9 Feb 2018 Mingzhi Dong, Xiaochen Yang, Yang Wu, Jing-Hao Xue

In this paper, we propose the Lipschitz margin ratio and a new metric learning framework for classification through maximizing the ratio.

Metric Learning

Decorrelation of Neutral Vector Variables: Theory and Applications

no code implementations30 May 2017 Zhanyu Ma, Jing-Hao Xue, Arne Leijon, Zheng-Hua Tan, Zhen Yang, Jun Guo

In this paper, we propose novel strategies for neutral vector variable decorrelation.

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