Search Results for author: Jingcheng Xu

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

A consistent least-squares criterion for calibrating edge lengths in phylogenetic networks

no code implementations27 Jul 2024 Jingcheng Xu, Cécile Ané

We show that this criterion is consistent provided that there exists a tree path between some pair of tips in the network, and that edge lengths in the network are identifiable from average distances.

Identifying circular orders for blobs in phylogenetic networks

no code implementations18 Feb 2024 John A. Rhodes, Hector Banos, Jingcheng Xu, Cécile Ané

We consider the identifiability of the circular order in which subnetworks attach to a blob, first proving that this order is well-defined for outer-labeled planar blobs.

Measuring and Mitigating Local Instability in Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations18 May 2023 Arghya Datta, Subhrangshu Nandi, Jingcheng Xu, Greg Ver Steeg, He Xie, Anoop Kumar, Aram Galstyan

We formulate the model stability problem by studying how the predictions of a model change, even when it is retrained on the same data, as a consequence of stochasticity in the training process.

Natural Language Understanding

Identifiability of local and global features of phylogenetic networks from average distances

no code implementations22 Oct 2021 Jingcheng Xu, Cécile Ané

We propose the "distance split tree", which can be constructed from pairwise distances, and prove that it is a refinement of the network's tree of blobs, capturing the tree-like features of the network.

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