no code implementations • 27 Jul 2024 • Jingcheng Xu, Cécile Ané
We show that this criterion is consistent provided that there exists a tree path between some pair of tips in the network, and that edge lengths in the network are identifiable from average distances.
no code implementations • 18 Feb 2024 • John A. Rhodes, Hector Banos, Jingcheng Xu, Cécile Ané
We consider the identifiability of the circular order in which subnetworks attach to a blob, first proving that this order is well-defined for outer-labeled planar blobs.
no code implementations • 18 May 2023 • Arghya Datta, Subhrangshu Nandi, Jingcheng Xu, Greg Ver Steeg, He Xie, Anoop Kumar, Aram Galstyan
We formulate the model stability problem by studying how the predictions of a model change, even when it is retrained on the same data, as a consequence of stochasticity in the training process.
no code implementations • 22 Oct 2021 • Jingcheng Xu, Cécile Ané
We propose the "distance split tree", which can be constructed from pairwise distances, and prove that it is a refinement of the network's tree of blobs, capturing the tree-like features of the network.