Search Results for author: Jingwen Zhang

Found 17 papers, 4 papers with code

Prove Symbolic Regression is NP-hard by Symbol Graph

no code implementations22 Apr 2024 Jinglu Song, Qiang Lu, Bozhou Tian, Jingwen Zhang, Jake Luo, Zhiguang Wang

Symbolic regression (SR) is the task of discovering a symbolic expression that fits a given data set from the space of mathematical expressions.

regression Symbolic Regression

How Johnny Can Persuade LLMs to Jailbreak Them: Rethinking Persuasion to Challenge AI Safety by Humanizing LLMs

2 code implementations12 Jan 2024 Yi Zeng, Hongpeng Lin, Jingwen Zhang, Diyi Yang, Ruoxi Jia, Weiyan Shi

This paper introduces a new perspective to jailbreak LLMs as human-like communicators, to explore this overlooked intersection between everyday language interaction and AI safety.

Robust 3D Tracking with Quality-Aware Shape Completion

no code implementations17 Dec 2023 Jingwen Zhang, Zikun Zhou, Guangming Lu, Jiandong Tian, Wenjie Pei

Considering that, we propose to construct a synthetic target representation composed of dense and complete point clouds depicting the target shape precisely by shape completion for robust 3D tracking.

3D Single Object Tracking Object Tracking

Causal Bandits: Online Decision-Making in Endogenous Settings

no code implementations16 Nov 2022 Jingwen Zhang, Yifang Chen, Amandeep Singh

To this end, in this paper, we consider the problem of online learning in linear stochastic contextual bandit problems with endogenous covariates.

Decision Making Multi-Armed Bandits

Pathology Steered Stratification Network for Subtype Identification in Alzheimer's Disease

no code implementations12 Oct 2022 Enze Xu, Jingwen Zhang, Jiadi Li, Qianqian Song, Defu Yang, Guorong Wu, Minghan Chen

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a heterogeneous, multifactorial neurodegenerative disorder characterized by beta-amyloid, pathologic tau, and neurodegeneration.

Social Influence Dialogue Systems: A Survey of Datasets and Models For Social Influence Tasks

no code implementations11 Oct 2022 Kushal Chawla, Weiyan Shi, Jingwen Zhang, Gale Lucas, Zhou Yu, Jonathan Gratch

Dialogue systems capable of social influence such as persuasion, negotiation, and therapy, are essential for extending the use of technology to numerous realistic scenarios.

Seamlessly Integrating Factual Information and Social Content with Persuasive Dialogue

no code implementations15 Mar 2022 Maximillian Chen, Weiyan Shi, Feifan Yan, Ryan Hou, Jingwen Zhang, Saurav Sahay, Zhou Yu

Complex conversation settings such as persuasion involve communicating changes in attitude or behavior, so users' perspectives need to be addressed, even when not directly related to the topic.


Uncovering the System Vulnerability and Criticality of Human Brain under Dynamical Neuropathological Events in Alzheimer's Disease

no code implementations22 Jan 2022 Jingwen Zhang, Qing Liu, Haorui Zhang, Michelle Dai, Qianqian Song, Defu Yang, Guorong Wu, Minghan Chen

Background: Despite the striking efforts in investigating neurobiological factors behind the acquisition of amyloid-\b{eta} (A), protein tau (T), and neurodegeneration ([N]) biomarkers, the mechanistic pathways of how AT[N] biomarkers spreading throughout the brain remain elusive.

Online Auction-Based Incentive Mechanism Design for Horizontal Federated Learning with Budget Constraint

no code implementations22 Jan 2022 Jingwen Zhang, Yuezhou Wu, Rong pan

To obtain a high-quality model, an incentive mechanism is necessary to motivate more high-quality workers with data and computing power.

Computational Efficiency Federated Learning

Auction-Based Ex-Post-Payment Incentive Mechanism Design for Horizontal Federated Learning with Reputation and Contribution Measurement

no code implementations7 Jan 2022 Jingwen Zhang, Yuezhou Wu, Rong pan

Federated learning trains models across devices with distributed data, while protecting the privacy and obtaining a model similar to that of centralized ML.

Computational Efficiency Federated Learning

Insta-VAX: A Multimodal Benchmark for Anti-Vaccine and Misinformation Posts Detection on Social Media

no code implementations15 Dec 2021 Mingyang Zhou, Mahasweta Chakraborti, Sijia Qian, Zhou Yu, Jingwen Zhang

The dataset and classifiers contribute to monitoring and tracking of vaccine discussions for social scientific and public health efforts in combating the problem of vaccine misinformation.


Analyzing the Spatiotemporal Interaction and Propagation of ATN Biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease using Longitudinal Neuroimaging Data

no code implementations7 Mar 2021 Qing Liu, Defu Yang, Jingwen Zhang, Ziming Wei, Guorong Wu, Minghan Chen

Three major biomarkers: beta-amyloid (A), pathologic tau (T), and neurodegeneration (N), are recognized as valid proxies for neuropathologic changes of Alzheimer's disease.


A Network-Guided Reaction-Diffusion Model of AT[N] Biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease

no code implementations10 Sep 2020 Jingwen Zhang, Defu Yang, wei he, Guorong Wu, Minghan Chen

Currently, many studies of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are investigating the neurobiological factors behind the acquisition of beta-amyloid (A), pathologic tau (T), and neurodegeneration ([N]) biomarkers from neuroimages.

Predictive and Generative Neural Networks for Object Functionality

1 code implementation28 Jun 2020 Ruizhen Hu, Zihao Yan, Jingwen Zhang, Oliver van Kaick, Ariel Shamir, Hao Zhang, Hui Huang

Given a 3D object in isolation, our functional similarity network (fSIM-NET), a variation of the triplet network, is trained to predict the functionality of the object by inferring functionality-revealing interaction contexts.

Object Triplet

Persuasion for Good: Towards a Personalized Persuasive Dialogue System for Social Good

3 code implementations ACL 2019 Xuewei Wang, Weiyan Shi, Richard Kim, Yoojung Oh, Sijia Yang, Jingwen Zhang, Zhou Yu

Developing intelligent persuasive conversational agents to change people's opinions and actions for social good is the frontier in advancing the ethical development of automated dialogue systems.

Persuasion Strategies Sentence

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