Search Results for author: Jinhu Lv

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

Stability of FFLS-based diffusion adaptive filter under a cooperative excitation condition

no code implementations10 Oct 2023 Die Gan, Siyu Xie, Zhixin Liu, Jinhu Lv

In this paper, we consider the distributed filtering problem over sensor networks such that all sensors cooperatively track unknown time-varying parameters by using local information.

AttriCLIP: A Non-Incremental Learner for Incremental Knowledge Learning

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Runqi Wang, Xiaoyue Duan, Guoliang Kang, Jianzhuang Liu, Shaohui Lin, Songcen Xu, Jinhu Lv, Baochang Zhang

Text consists of a category name and a fixed number of learnable parameters which are selected from our designed attribute word bank and serve as attributes.

Attribute Continual Learning +1

Resilient Binary Neural Network

1 code implementation2 Feb 2023 Sheng Xu, Yanjing Li, Teli Ma, Mingbao Lin, Hao Dong, Baochang Zhang, Peng Gao, Jinhu Lv

In this paper, we introduce a Resilient Binary Neural Network (ReBNN) to mitigate the frequent oscillation for better BNNs' training.

IDa-Det: An Information Discrepancy-aware Distillation for 1-bit Detectors

1 code implementation7 Oct 2022 Sheng Xu, Yanjing Li, Bohan Zeng, Teli Ma, Baochang Zhang, Xianbin Cao, Peng Gao, Jinhu Lv

This explains why existing KD methods are less effective for 1-bit detectors, caused by a significant information discrepancy between the real-valued teacher and the 1-bit student.

Knowledge Distillation object-detection +1

Recurrent Bilinear Optimization for Binary Neural Networks

2 code implementations4 Sep 2022 Sheng Xu, Yanjing Li, Tiancheng Wang, Teli Ma, Baochang Zhang, Peng Gao, Yu Qiao, Jinhu Lv, Guodong Guo

To address this issue, Recurrent Bilinear Optimization is proposed to improve the learning process of BNNs (RBONNs) by associating the intrinsic bilinear variables in the back propagation process.

object-detection Object Detection

TerViT: An Efficient Ternary Vision Transformer

no code implementations20 Jan 2022 Sheng Xu, Yanjing Li, Teli Ma, Bohan Zeng, Baochang Zhang, Peng Gao, Jinhu Lv

Vision transformers (ViTs) have demonstrated great potential in various visual tasks, but suffer from expensive computational and memory cost problems when deployed on resource-constrained devices.

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