Search Results for author: Jinjun Chen

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Edge computing service deployment and task offloading based on multi-task high-dimensional multi-objective optimization

no code implementations7 Dec 2023 Yanheng Guo, Yan Zhang, Linjie Wu, Mengxia Li, Xingjuan Cai, Jinjun Chen

This study investigates service deployment and task offloading challenges in a multi-user environment, framing them as a multi-task high-dimensional multi-objective optimization (MT-HD-MOO) problem within an edge environment.

Diversity Edge-computing

Optimizing Blockchain Based Smart Grid Auctions: A Green Revolution

no code implementations4 Feb 2021 Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Jinjun Chen

After that, we analyze technical works that have developed blockchain based energy auctions from green perspective.

Cryptography and Security

VPT: Privacy Preserving Energy Trading and Block Mining Mechanism for Blockchain based Virtual Power Plants

no code implementations2 Feb 2021 Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Jinjun Chen

Collectively, we propose a private decentralized VPP trading model and named it as Virtual Private Trading (VPT) model.

Cryptography and Security

Differentially Private Demand Side Management for Incentivized Dynamic Pricing in Smart Grid

no code implementations2 Feb 2021 Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Jinjun Chen

In this context, usage based dynamic pricing strategies of DSM plays their role and provide users with specific incentives that help shaping their load curve according to the forecasted load.

Cryptography and Security

Manifold Learning-based Word Representation Refinement Incorporating Global and Local Information

no code implementations COLING 2020 Wenyu Zhao, Dong Zhou, Lin Li, Jinjun Chen

Our second method refines word representations by aligning original and re-fined embedding spaces based on local tangent space instead of performing weighted locally linear combination twice.

Semantic Similarity Semantic Textual Similarity +2

Differential Privacy Techniques for Cyber Physical Systems: A Survey

1 code implementation6 Dec 2018 Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Jinjun Chen

Modern cyber physical systems (CPSs) has widely being used in our daily lives because of development of information and communication technologies (ICT). With the provision of CPSs, the security and privacy threats associated to these systems are also increasing.

Cryptography and Security

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