Search Results for author: Jinkun Cao

Found 23 papers, 10 papers with code

Harmony4D: A Video Dataset for In-The-Wild Close Human Interactions

no code implementations27 Oct 2024 Rawal Khirodkar, Jyun-Ting Song, Jinkun Cao, Zhengyi Luo, Kris Kitani

Understanding how humans interact with each other is key to building realistic multi-human virtual reality systems.

3D Pose Estimation Human Detection

Multi-Modal Diffusion for Hand-Object Grasp Generation

no code implementations6 Sep 2024 Jinkun Cao, Jingyuan Liu, Kris Kitani, Yi Zhou

Compared to previous works of generating hand poses with a given object, we aim to allow the generalization of both hand and object shapes by a single model.

Diversity Grasp Generation +1

SMPLOlympics: Sports Environments for Physically Simulated Humanoids

no code implementations28 Jun 2024 Zhengyi Luo, Jiashun Wang, Kangni Liu, Haotian Zhang, Chen Tessler, Jingbo Wang, Ye Yuan, Jinkun Cao, Zihui Lin, Fengyi Wang, Jessica Hodgins, Kris Kitani

We present SMPLOlympics, a collection of physically simulated environments that allow humanoids to compete in a variety of Olympic sports.

CooHOI: Learning Cooperative Human-Object Interaction with Manipulated Object Dynamics

no code implementations20 Jun 2024 Jiawei Gao, Ziqin Wang, Zeqi Xiao, Jingbo Wang, Tai Wang, Jinkun Cao, Xiaolin Hu, Si Liu, Jifeng Dai, Jiangmiao Pang

Given the scarcity of motion capture data on multi-humanoid collaboration and the efficiency challenges associated with multi-agent learning, these tasks cannot be straightforwardly addressed using training paradigms designed for single-agent scenarios.

Human-Object Interaction Detection Humanoid Control +2

Multi-Object Tracking by Hierarchical Visual Representations

no code implementations24 Feb 2024 Jinkun Cao, Jiangmiao Pang, Kris Kitani

We propose a new visual hierarchical representation paradigm for multi-object tracking.

Multi-Object Tracking Object

MGF: Mixed Gaussian Flow for Diverse Trajectory Prediction

no code implementations19 Feb 2024 Jiahe Chen, Jinkun Cao, Dahua Lin, Kris Kitani, Jiangmiao Pang

Instead, we propose constructing a mixed Gaussian prior for a normalizing flow model for trajectory prediction.

Diversity Trajectory Prediction

Unified Human-Scene Interaction via Prompted Chain-of-Contacts

1 code implementation14 Sep 2023 Zeqi Xiao, Tai Wang, Jingbo Wang, Jinkun Cao, Wenwei Zhang, Bo Dai, Dahua Lin, Jiangmiao Pang

Based on the definition, UniHSI constitutes a Large Language Model (LLM) Planner to translate language prompts into task plans in the form of CoC, and a Unified Controller that turns CoC into uniform task execution.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +1

Perpetual Humanoid Control for Real-time Simulated Avatars

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Zhengyi Luo, Jinkun Cao, Alexander Winkler, Kris Kitani, Weipeng Xu

We present a physics-based humanoid controller that achieves high-fidelity motion imitation and fault-tolerant behavior in the presence of noisy input (e. g. pose estimates from video or generated from language) and unexpected falls.

Humanoid Control

MV-JAR: Masked Voxel Jigsaw and Reconstruction for LiDAR-Based Self-Supervised Pre-Training

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Runsen Xu, Tai Wang, Wenwei Zhang, Runjian Chen, Jinkun Cao, Jiangmiao Pang, Dahua Lin

This paper introduces the Masked Voxel Jigsaw and Reconstruction (MV-JAR) method for LiDAR-based self-supervised pre-training and a carefully designed data-efficient 3D object detection benchmark on the Waymo dataset.

3D Object Detection object-detection

Deep OC-SORT: Multi-Pedestrian Tracking by Adaptive Re-Identification

3 code implementations23 Feb 2023 Gerard Maggiolino, Adnan Ahmad, Jinkun Cao, Kris Kitani

Motion-based association for Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) has recently re-achieved prominence with the rise of powerful object detectors.

Ranked #5 on Multi-Object Tracking on MOT20 (using extra training data)

Multi-Object Tracking Object

Track Targets by Dense Spatio-Temporal Position Encoding

no code implementations17 Oct 2022 Jinkun Cao, Hao Wu, Kris Kitani

Experiments on video multi-object tracking (MOT) and multi-object tracking and segmentation (MOTS) datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DST position encoding.

Multi-Object Tracking Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation +2

An Empirical Study on Disentanglement of Negative-free Contrastive Learning

1 code implementation9 Jun 2022 Jinkun Cao, Ruiqian Nai, Qing Yang, Jialei Huang, Yang Gao

In this paper, we examine negative-free contrastive learning methods to study the disentanglement property empirically.

Contrastive Learning Disentanglement

Observation-Centric SORT: Rethinking SORT for Robust Multi-Object Tracking

7 code implementations CVPR 2023 Jinkun Cao, Jiangmiao Pang, Xinshuo Weng, Rawal Khirodkar, Kris Kitani

Instead of relying only on the linear state estimate (i. e., estimation-centric approach), we use object observations (i. e., the measurements by object detector) to compute a virtual trajectory over the occlusion period to fix the error accumulation of filter parameters during the occlusion period.

Multi-Object Tracking Multiple Object Tracking +3

DanceTrack: Multi-Object Tracking in Uniform Appearance and Diverse Motion

3 code implementations CVPR 2022 Peize Sun, Jinkun Cao, Yi Jiang, Zehuan Yuan, Song Bai, Kris Kitani, Ping Luo

A typical pipeline for multi-object tracking (MOT) is to use a detector for object localization, and following re-identification (re-ID) for object association.

Multi-Object Tracking Object +3

Disentangling Properties of Contrastive Methods

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Jinkun Cao, Qing Yang, Jialei Huang, Yang Gao

In this paper, we explored the possibility of using contrastive methods to learn a disentangled representation, a discriminative approach that is drastically different from previous approaches.

Disentanglement Object Recognition

Instance-Aware Predictive Navigation in Multi-Agent Environments

1 code implementation14 Jan 2021 Jinkun Cao, Xin Wang, Trevor Darrell, Fisher Yu

To decide the action at each step, we seek the action sequence that can lead to safe future states based on the prediction module outputs by repeatedly sampling likely action sequences.

TransTrack: Multiple Object Tracking with Transformer

2 code implementations31 Dec 2020 Peize Sun, Jinkun Cao, Yi Jiang, Rufeng Zhang, Enze Xie, Zehuan Yuan, Changhu Wang, Ping Luo

In this work, we propose TransTrack, a simple but efficient scheme to solve the multiple object tracking problems.

Ranked #12 on Multi-Object Tracking on SportsMOT (using extra training data)

Multi-Object Tracking Multiple Object Tracking with Transformer +3

Attribute Restoration Framework for Anomaly Detection

1 code implementation25 Nov 2019 Chaoqin Huang, Fei Ye, Jinkun Cao, Maosen Li, Ya zhang, Cewu Lu

We here propose to break this equivalence by erasing selected attributes from the original data and reformulate it as a restoration task, where the normal and the anomalous data are expected to be distinguishable based on restoration errors.

Anomaly Detection Attribute +1

Cross-Domain Adaptation for Animal Pose Estimation

no code implementations ICCV 2019 Jinkun Cao, Hongyang Tang, Hao-Shu Fang, Xiaoyong Shen, Cewu Lu, Yu-Wing Tai

Therefore, the easily available human pose dataset, which is of a much larger scale than our labeled animal dataset, provides important prior knowledge to boost up the performance on animal pose estimation.

Animal Pose Estimation Domain Adaptation

A Novel Fuzzy Search Approach over Encrypted Data with Improved Accuracy and Efficiency

no code implementations27 Apr 2019 Jinkun Cao, Jinhao Zhu, Liwei Lin, Zhengui Xue, Ruhui Ma, Haibing Guan

To avoid privacy leaks, outsourced data usually is encrypted before being sent to cloud servers, which disables traditional search schemes for plain text.

Cloud Computing Diversity

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