Search Results for author: Jinmeng Rao

Found 17 papers, 6 papers with code

IM-RAG: Multi-Round Retrieval-Augmented Generation Through Learning Inner Monologues

no code implementations15 May 2024 Diji Yang, Jinmeng Rao, Kezhen Chen, Xiaoyuan Guo, Yawen Zhang, Jie Yang, Yi Zhang

Although the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) paradigms can use external knowledge to enhance and ground the outputs of Large Language Models (LLMs) to mitigate generative hallucinations and static knowledge base problems, they still suffer from limited flexibility in adopting Information Retrieval (IR) systems with varying capabilities, constrained interpretability during the multi-round retrieval process, and a lack of end-to-end optimization.

Information Retrieval Question Answering +3

Best Practices and Lessons Learned on Synthetic Data

no code implementations11 Apr 2024 Ruibo Liu, Jerry Wei, Fangyu Liu, Chenglei Si, Yanzhe Zhang, Jinmeng Rao, Steven Zheng, Daiyi Peng, Diyi Yang, Denny Zhou, Andrew M. Dai

The success of AI models relies on the availability of large, diverse, and high-quality datasets, which can be challenging to obtain due to data scarcity, privacy concerns, and high costs.

Higher Layers Need More LoRA Experts

1 code implementation13 Feb 2024 Chongyang Gao, Kezhen Chen, Jinmeng Rao, Baochen Sun, Ruibo Liu, Daiyi Peng, Yawen Zhang, Xiaoyuan Guo, Jie Yang, VS Subrahmanian

In this paper, we introduce a novel parameter-efficient MoE method, \textit{\textbf{M}oE-L\textbf{o}RA with \textbf{L}ayer-wise Expert \textbf{A}llocation (MoLA)} for Transformer-based models, where each model layer has the flexibility to employ a varying number of LoRA experts.

FLEE-GNN: A Federated Learning System for Edge-Enhanced Graph Neural Network in Analyzing Geospatial Resilience of Multicommodity Food Flows

1 code implementation20 Oct 2023 Yuxiao Qu, Jinmeng Rao, Song Gao, Qianheng Zhang, Wei-Lun Chao, Yu Su, Michelle Miller, Alfonso Morales, Patrick Huber

This paper proposes FLEE-GNN, a novel Federated Learning System for Edge-Enhanced Graph Neural Network, designed to overcome these challenges and enhance the analysis of geospatial resilience of multicommodity food flow network, which is one type of spatial networks.

Federated Learning Graph Neural Network

SSIF: Learning Continuous Image Representation for Spatial-Spectral Super-Resolution

no code implementations30 Sep 2023 Gengchen Mai, Ni Lao, Weiwei Sun, Yuchi Ma, Jiaming Song, Chenlin Meng, Hongxu Ma, Jinmeng Rao, Ziyuan Li, Stefano Ermon

Existing digital sensors capture images at fixed spatial and spectral resolutions (e. g., RGB, multispectral, and hyperspectral images), and each combination requires bespoke machine learning models.

Spectral Super-Resolution Super-Resolution

Building Privacy-Preserving and Secure Geospatial Artificial Intelligence Foundation Models

no code implementations29 Sep 2023 Jinmeng Rao, Song Gao, Gengchen Mai, Krzysztof Janowicz

Through this vision paper, we hope to draw the attention of researchers and policymakers in geospatial domains to these privacy and security risks inherent in GeoAI foundation models and advocate for the development of privacy-preserving and secure GeoAI foundation models.

Geographic Question Answering Privacy Preserving +1

CATS: Conditional Adversarial Trajectory Synthesis for Privacy-Preserving Trajectory Data Publication Using Deep Learning Approaches

1 code implementation20 Sep 2023 Jinmeng Rao, Song Gao, Sijia Zhu

The prevalence of ubiquitous location-aware devices and mobile Internet enables us to collect massive individual-level trajectory dataset from users.

Ethics Graph Matching +1

Tackling Vision Language Tasks Through Learning Inner Monologues

no code implementations19 Aug 2023 Diji Yang, Kezhen Chen, Jinmeng Rao, Xiaoyuan Guo, Yawen Zhang, Jie Yang, Yi Zhang

Visual language tasks require AI models to comprehend and reason with both visual and textual content.

LOWA: Localize Objects in the Wild with Attributes

no code implementations31 May 2023 Xiaoyuan Guo, Kezhen Chen, Jinmeng Rao, Yawen Zhang, Baochen Sun, Jie Yang

To train LOWA, we propose a hybrid vision-language training strategy to learn object detection and recognition with class names as well as attribute information.

Attribute Object +3

STICC: A multivariate spatial clustering method for repeated geographic pattern discovery with consideration of spatial contiguity

1 code implementation17 Mar 2022 Yuhao Kang, Kunlin Wu, Song Gao, Ignavier Ng, Jinmeng Rao, Shan Ye, Fan Zhang, Teng Fei

In this paper, we propose a Spatial Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-Based Clustering (STICC) method that considers both attributes and spatial relationships of geographic objects for multivariate spatial clustering.

Attribute Clustering

Multiscale Dynamic Human Mobility Flow Dataset in the U.S. during the COVID-19 Epidemic

7 code implementations27 Aug 2020 Yuhao Kang, Song Gao, Yunlei Liang, Mingxiao Li, Jinmeng Rao, Jake Kruse

Understanding dynamic human mobility changes and spatial interaction patterns at different geographic scales is crucial for monitoring and measuring the impacts of non-pharmaceutical interventions (such as stay-at-home orders) during the pandemic.

Social and Information Networks Physics and Society

LSTM-TrajGAN: A Deep Learning Approach to Trajectory Privacy Protection

1 code implementation14 Jun 2020 Jinmeng Rao, Song Gao, Yuhao Kang, Qunying Huang

The prevalence of location-based services contributes to the explosive growth of individual-level trajectory data and raises public concerns about privacy issues.

Deep Learning Privacy Preserving

Mobile phone location data reveal the effect and geographic variation of social distancing on the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic

no code implementations23 Apr 2020 Song Gao, Jinmeng Rao, Yuhao Kang, Yunlei Liang, Jake Kruse, Doerte Doepfer, Ajay K. Sethi, Juan Francisco Mandujano Reyes, Jonathan Patz, Brian S. Yandell

The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and the coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19) has become a pandemic.

Social and Information Networks Physics and Society Populations and Evolution 65D10 H.4; G.3; J.2

Mapping county-level mobility pattern changes in the United States in response to COVID-19

no code implementations9 Apr 2020 Song Gao, Jinmeng Rao, Yuhao Kang, Yunlei Liang, Jake Kruse

To contain the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, one of the non-pharmacological epidemic control measures in response to the COVID-19 outbreak is reducing the transmission rate of SARS-COV-2 in the population through (physical) social distancing.

Physics and Society Social and Information Networks Populations and Evolution H.4; H.5

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