Search Results for author: Jinping Guan

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

LISA: Learning-Integrated Space Partitioning Framework for Traffic Accident Forecasting on Heterogeneous Spatiotemporal Data

1 code implementation19 Dec 2024 Bang An, Xun Zhou, Amin Vahedian, Nick Street, Jinping Guan, Jun Luo

Traffic accident forecasting is an important task for intelligent transportation management and emergency response systems.

A Multi-day Needs-based Modeling Approach for Activity and Travel Demand Analysis

no code implementations24 Dec 2023 Kexin Chen, Jinping Guan, Ravi Seshadri, Varun Pattabhiraman, Youssef Medhat Aboutaleb, Ali Shamshiripour, Chen Liang, Xiaochun Zhang, Moshe Ben-Akiva

The utility includes both the benefit in the inventory gained and the cost in time, monetary expense as well as maintenance of safety stock.

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