Search Results for author: Jinyoung Kim

Found 7 papers, 3 papers with code

A reaction network model of microscale liquid-liquid phase separation reveals effects of spatial dimension

no code implementations27 Aug 2024 Jinyoung Kim, Sean D. Lawley, Jinsu Kim

After further analyzing the model, we find that it predicts that the space dimension induces qualitatively different features of LLPS which are consistent with recent experiments.

Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture for Self-Supervised Learning of Mask Classification Architecture

no code implementations15 Jul 2024 Dong-Hee Kim, Sungduk Cho, Hyeonwoo Cho, Chanmin Park, Jinyoung Kim, Won Hwa Kim

In this work, we introduce Mask-JEPA, a self-supervised learning framework tailored for mask classification architectures (MCA), to overcome the traditional constraints associated with training segmentation models.

Decoder Image Segmentation +3

GrowOVER: How Can LLMs Adapt to Growing Real-World Knowledge?

1 code implementation9 Jun 2024 Dayoon Ko, Jinyoung Kim, Hahyeon Choi, Gunhee Kim

In the real world, knowledge is constantly evolving, which can render existing knowledge-based datasets outdated.

Language Modelling Retrieval +1

Groupwise Query Specialization and Quality-Aware Multi-Assignment for Transformer-based Visual Relationship Detection

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Jongha Kim, Jihwan Park, Jinyoung Park, Jinyoung Kim, Sehyung Kim, Hyunwoo J. Kim

Groupwise Query Specialization trains a specialized query by dividing queries and relations into disjoint groups and directing a query in a specific query group solely toward relations in the corresponding relation group.

Relation Relationship Detection +2

CNG-SFDA: Clean-and-Noisy Region Guided Online-Offline Source-Free Domain Adaptation

no code implementations26 Jan 2024 Hyeonwoo Cho, Chanmin Park, DongHee Kim, Jinyoung Kim, Won Hwa Kim

Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA) addresses this domain shift problem, aiming to adopt a trained model on the source domain to the target domain in a scenario where only a well-trained source model and unlabeled target data are available.

Pseudo Label Source-Free Domain Adaptation +1

Addressing Negative Transfer in Diffusion Models

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Hyojun Go, Jinyoung Kim, Yunsung Lee, SeungHyun Lee, Shinhyeok Oh, Hyeongdon Moon, Seungtaek Choi

Through this, our approach addresses the issue of negative transfer in diffusion models by allowing for efficient computation of MTL methods.

Clustering Denoising +1

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