Search Results for author: Jionglong Su

Found 17 papers, 3 papers with code

Combining Transformer based Deep Reinforcement Learning with Black-Litterman Model for Portfolio Optimization

no code implementations23 Feb 2024 Ruoyu Sun, Angelos Stefanidis, Zhengyong Jiang, Jionglong Su

However, typical DRL agents for portfolio optimization cannot learn a policy that is aware of the dynamic correlation between portfolio asset returns.

Portfolio Optimization

CAD: Clustering And Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Multi-Period Portfolio Management Strategy

no code implementations2 Oct 2023 Zhengyong Jiang, Jeyan Thiayagalingam, Jionglong Su, Jinjun Liang

To the best of our knowledge, our approach is the first to combine clustering methods and reinforcement learning methods for portfolio management in the context of multi-period trading.

Clustering Management +1

Atrial Septal Defect Detection in Children Based on Ultrasound Video Using Multiple Instances Learning

no code implementations6 Jun 2023 Yiman Liu, Qiming Huang, Xiaoxiang Han, Tongtong Liang, Zhifang Zhang, Lijun Chen, Jinfeng Wang, Angelos Stefanidis, Jionglong Su, Jiangang Chen, Qingli Li, Yuqi Zhang

In addition, data from 30 children patients (15 positives and 15 negatives) are collected for clinician testing and compared to our model test results (these 30 samples do not participate in model training).

Defect Detection Specificity

Distortion-Disentangled Contrastive Learning

no code implementations9 Mar 2023 Jinfeng Wang, Sifan Song, Jionglong Su, S. Kevin Zhou

The POCL method typically uses a single loss function to extract the distortion invariant representation (DIR) which describes the proximity of positive-pair representations affected by different distortions.

Contrastive Learning Disentanglement +1

DuAT: Dual-Aggregation Transformer Network for Medical Image Segmentation

1 code implementation21 Dec 2022 Feilong Tang, Qiming Huang, Jinfeng Wang, Xianxu Hou, Jionglong Su, Jingxin Liu

The GLSA has the ability to aggregate and represent both global and local spatial features, which are beneficial for locating large and small objects, respectively.

Image Segmentation Lesion Segmentation +2

CNN-based Classification Framework for Lung Tissues with Auxiliary Information

no code implementations14 Jun 2022 Huafeng Hu, Ruijie Ye, Jeyarajan Thiyagalingam, Frans Coenen, Jionglong Su

Interstitial lung diseases are a large group of heterogeneous diseases characterized by different degrees of alveolitis and pulmonary fibrosis.

Classification Decision Making

Stepwise Feature Fusion: Local Guides Global

1 code implementation7 Mar 2022 Jinfeng Wang, Qiming Huang, Feilong Tang, Jia Meng, Jionglong Su, Sifan Song

However, due to the structure of polyps image and the varying shapes of polyps, it easy for existing deep learning models to overfitting the current dataset.

Decoder Image Segmentation +3

A Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient-based Strategy for Stocks Portfolio Management

no code implementations21 Mar 2021 Huanming Zhang, Zhengyong Jiang, Jionglong Su

We compare the compound annual return rate of our strategy against seven other strategies, e. g., Uniform Buy and Hold, Exponential Gradient and Universal Portfolios.


A Novel Application of Image-to-Image Translation: Chromosome Straightening Framework by Learning from a Single Image

no code implementations4 Mar 2021 Sifan Song, Daiyun Huang, Yalun Hu, Chunxiao Yang, Jia Meng, Fei Ma, Frans Coenen, Jiaming Zhang, Jionglong Su

To address the flaws in the geometric algorithms, we propose a novel framework based on image-to-image translation to learn a pertinent mapping dependence for synthesizing straightened chromosomes with uninterrupted banding patterns and preserved details.

Image-to-Image Translation Translation

A new parsimonious method for classifying Cancer Tissue-of-Origin Based on DNA Methylation 450K data

no code implementations3 Jan 2021 Shen Jia, Yulin Zhang, Yiming Mao, Jiawei Gao, Yixuan Chen, YuXuan Jiang, Haochen Luo, Kebo Lv, Jionglong Su

The biological functions in cancer development of 50 selected genes is also explored through enrichment analysis and the results show that 12 out of 16 of our top features have already been identified to be specific with cancer and we also propose some more genes to be tested for future studies.

Dimensionality Reduction feature selection

Application of Deep Q-Network in Portfolio Management

no code implementations13 Mar 2020 Ziming Gao, Yuan Gao, Yi Hu, Zhengyong Jiang, Jionglong Su

This paper will introduce a strategy based on the classic Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithm, Deep Q-Network, for portfolio management in stock market.

Face Recognition Management +3

News2vec: News Network Embedding with Subnode Information

no code implementations IJCNLP 2019 Ye Ma, Lu Zong, Yikang Yang, Jionglong Su

With the development of NLP technologies, news can be automatically categorized and labeled according to a variety of characteristics, at the same time be represented as low dimensional embeddings.

Dimensionality Reduction Network Embedding +4

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