Search Results for author: Jiwei Liu

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

Nemotron-4 340B Technical Report

1 code implementation17 Jun 2024 Nvidia, :, Bo Adler, Niket Agarwal, Ashwath Aithal, Dong H. Anh, Pallab Bhattacharya, Annika Brundyn, Jared Casper, Bryan Catanzaro, Sharon Clay, Jonathan Cohen, Sirshak Das, Ayush Dattagupta, Olivier Delalleau, Leon Derczynski, Yi Dong, Daniel Egert, Ellie Evans, Aleksander Ficek, Denys Fridman, Shaona Ghosh, Boris Ginsburg, Igor Gitman, Tomasz Grzegorzek, Robert Hero, Jining Huang, Vibhu Jawa, Joseph Jennings, Aastha Jhunjhunwala, John Kamalu, Sadaf Khan, Oleksii Kuchaiev, Patrick Legresley, Hui Li, Jiwei Liu, Zihan Liu, Eileen Long, Ameya Sunil Mahabaleshwarkar, Somshubra Majumdar, James Maki, Miguel Martinez, Maer Rodrigues de Melo, Ivan Moshkov, Deepak Narayanan, Sean Narenthiran, Jesus Navarro, Phong Nguyen, Osvald Nitski, Vahid Noroozi, Guruprasad Nutheti, Christopher Parisien, Jupinder Parmar, Mostofa Patwary, Krzysztof Pawelec, Wei Ping, Shrimai Prabhumoye, Rajarshi Roy, Trisha Saar, Vasanth Rao Naik Sabavat, Sanjeev Satheesh, Jane Polak Scowcroft, Jason Sewall, Pavel Shamis, Gerald Shen, Mohammad Shoeybi, Dave Sizer, Misha Smelyanskiy, Felipe Soares, Makesh Narsimhan Sreedhar, Dan Su, Sandeep Subramanian, Shengyang Sun, Shubham Toshniwal, Hao Wang, Zhilin Wang, Jiaxuan You, Jiaqi Zeng, Jimmy Zhang, Jing Zhang, Vivienne Zhang, Yian Zhang, Chen Zhu

We release the Nemotron-4 340B model family, including Nemotron-4-340B-Base, Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct, and Nemotron-4-340B-Reward.

Synthetic Data Generation

Heterogenous Ensemble of Models for Molecular Property Prediction

1 code implementation20 Nov 2022 Sajad Darabi, Shayan Fazeli, Jiwei Liu, Alexandre Milesi, Pawel Morkisz, Jean-François Puget, Gilberto Titericz

Previous works have demonstrated the importance of considering different modalities on molecules, each of which provide a varied granularity of information for downstream property prediction tasks.

Molecular Property Prediction Property Prediction +1

GPU Accelerated Exhaustive Search for Optimal Ensemble of Black-Box Optimization Algorithms

1 code implementation8 Dec 2020 Jiwei Liu, Bojan Tunguz, Gilberto Titericz

We propose a Multi-GPU-optimized framework to accelerate a brute force search for the optimal ensemble of black-box optimization algorithms by running many experiments in parallel.

A Locating Model for Pulmonary Tuberculosis Diagnosis in Radiographs

no code implementations22 Oct 2019 Jiwei Liu, Junyu Liu, Yang Liu, Rui Yang, Dongjun Lv, Zhengting Cai, Jingjing Cui

Significance: We first make full use of the feature extraction ability of CNNs in TB diagnostic field and make exploration in localization of TB, when the previous works focus on the weaker task of healthy-sick subject classification.

Position regression

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