Search Results for author: Jiwei Wang

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Use neural networks to recognize students' handwritten letters and incorrect symbols

no code implementations12 Sep 2023 Jiajun Zhu, Zichuan Yang, Binjie Hong, Jiacheng Song, Jiwei Wang, Tianhao Chen, Shuilan Yang, Zixun Lan, Fei Ma

Correcting students' multiple-choice answers is a repetitive and mechanical task that can be considered an image multi-classification task.


Deep-HOSeq: Deep Higher Order Sequence Fusion for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

1 code implementation16 Oct 2020 Sunny Verma, Jiwei Wang, Zhefeng Ge, Rujia Shen, Fan Jin, Yang Wang, Fang Chen, Wei Liu

In this research, we first propose a common network to discover both intra-modal and inter-modal dynamics by utilizing basic LSTMs and tensor based convolution networks.

Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Classification

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