Search Results for author: Jixiang Li

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Hyper-Tune: Towards Efficient Hyper-parameter Tuning at Scale

no code implementations18 Jan 2022 Yang Li, Yu Shen, Huaijun Jiang, Wentao Zhang, Jixiang Li, Ji Liu, Ce Zhang, Bin Cui

The ever-growing demand and complexity of machine learning are putting pressure on hyper-parameter tuning systems: while the evaluation cost of models continues to increase, the scalability of state-of-the-arts starts to become a crucial bottleneck.


TNASP: A Transformer-based NAS Predictor with a Self-evolution Framework

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Shun Lu, Jixiang Li, Jianchao Tan, Sen yang, Ji Liu

Predictor-based Neural Architecture Search (NAS) continues to be an important topic because it aims to mitigate the time-consuming search procedure of traditional NAS methods.

Neural Architecture Search

SpeechNAS: Towards Better Trade-off between Latency and Accuracy for Large-Scale Speaker Verification

1 code implementation18 Sep 2021 Wentao Zhu, Tianlong Kong, Shun Lu, Jixiang Li, Dawei Zhang, Feng Deng, Xiaorui Wang, Sen yang, Ji Liu

Recently, x-vector has been a successful and popular approach for speaker verification, which employs a time delay neural network (TDNN) and statistics pooling to extract speaker characterizing embedding from variable-length utterances.

Neural Architecture Search Speaker Recognition +2

Neural Architecture Search on Acoustic Scene Classification

no code implementations30 Dec 2019 Jixiang Li, Chuming Liang, Bo Zhang, Zhao Wang, Fei Xiang, Xiangxiang Chu

Convolutional neural networks are widely adopted in Acoustic Scene Classification (ASC) tasks, but they generally carry a heavy computational burden.

Acoustic Scene Classification Classification +3

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