Search Results for author: Jiyuan Pei

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Learning from Offline and Online Experiences: A Hybrid Adaptive Operator Selection Framework

no code implementations16 Apr 2024 Jiyuan Pei, Jialin Liu, Yi Mei

A novel hybrid framework that learns to dynamically and adaptively select promising search operators is proposed.

Local Optima Correlation Assisted Adaptive Operator Selection

no code implementations3 May 2023 Jiyuan Pei, Hao Tong, Jialin Liu, Yi Mei, Xin Yao

In this paper, we propose to empirically analyse the relationship between operators in terms of the correlation between their local optima and develop a measure for quantifying their relationship.

Evolving Constrained Reinforcement Learning Policy

1 code implementation19 Apr 2023 Chengpeng Hu, Jiyuan Pei, Jialin Liu, Xin Yao

Evolutionary algorithms have been used to evolve a population of actors to generate diverse experiences for training reinforcement learning agents, which helps to tackle the temporal credit assignment problem and improves the exploration efficiency.

Evolutionary Algorithms reinforcement-learning +1

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