Search Results for author: João Carreira

Found 26 papers, 10 papers with code

TAPVid-3D: A Benchmark for Tracking Any Point in 3D

2 code implementations8 Jul 2024 Skanda Koppula, Ignacio Rocco, Yi Yang, Joe Heyward, João Carreira, Andrew Zisserman, Gabriel Brostow, Carl Doersch

We introduce a new benchmark, TAPVid-3D, for evaluating the task of long-range Tracking Any Point in 3D (TAP-3D).

Point Tracking

BootsTAP: Bootstrapped Training for Tracking-Any-Point

2 code implementations1 Feb 2024 Carl Doersch, Pauline Luc, Yi Yang, Dilara Gokay, Skanda Koppula, Ankush Gupta, Joseph Heyward, Ignacio Rocco, Ross Goroshin, João Carreira, Andrew Zisserman

To endow models with greater understanding of physics and motion, it is useful to enable them to perceive how solid surfaces move and deform in real scenes.

Point Tracking

Perception Test 2023: A Summary of the First Challenge And Outcome

no code implementations20 Dec 2023 Joseph Heyward, João Carreira, Dima Damen, Andrew Zisserman, Viorica Pătrăucean

The First Perception Test challenge was held as a half-day workshop alongside the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023, with the goal of benchmarking state-of-the-art video models on the recently proposed Perception Test benchmark.

Benchmarking Grounded Video Question Answering +5

Learning from One Continuous Video Stream

no code implementations CVPR 2024 João Carreira, Michael King, Viorica Pătrăucean, Dilara Gokay, Cătălin Ionescu, Yi Yang, Daniel Zoran, Joseph Heyward, Carl Doersch, Yusuf Aytar, Dima Damen, Andrew Zisserman

We introduce a framework for online learning from a single continuous video stream -- the way people and animals learn, without mini-batches, data augmentation or shuffling.

Data Augmentation Future prediction

TAP-Vid: A Benchmark for Tracking Any Point in a Video

3 code implementations7 Nov 2022 Carl Doersch, Ankush Gupta, Larisa Markeeva, Adrià Recasens, Lucas Smaira, Yusuf Aytar, João Carreira, Andrew Zisserman, Yi Yang

Generic motion understanding from video involves not only tracking objects, but also perceiving how their surfaces deform and move.

Optical Flow Estimation Point Tracking

Input-level Inductive Biases for 3D Reconstruction

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Wang Yifan, Carl Doersch, Relja Arandjelović, João Carreira, Andrew Zisserman

Much of the recent progress in 3D vision has been driven by the development of specialized architectures that incorporate geometrical inductive biases.

3D Reconstruction Depth Estimation

A Short Note on the Kinetics-700-2020 Human Action Dataset

no code implementations21 Oct 2020 Lucas Smaira, João Carreira, Eric Noland, Ellen Clancy, Amy Wu, Andrew Zisserman

We describe the 2020 edition of the DeepMind Kinetics human action dataset, which replenishes and extends the Kinetics-700 dataset.

The AVA-Kinetics Localized Human Actions Video Dataset

no code implementations1 May 2020 Ang Li, Meghana Thotakuri, David A. Ross, João Carreira, Alexander Vostrikov, Andrew Zisserman

The dataset is collected by annotating videos from the Kinetics-700 dataset using the AVA annotation protocol, and extending the original AVA dataset with these new AVA annotated Kinetics clips.

Action Classification

Visual Grounding in Video for Unsupervised Word Translation

1 code implementation CVPR 2020 Gunnar A. Sigurdsson, Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Aida Nematzadeh, Lucas Smaira, Mateusz Malinowski, João Carreira, Phil Blunsom, Andrew Zisserman

Given this shared embedding we demonstrate that (i) we can map words between the languages, particularly the 'visual' words; (ii) that the shared embedding provides a good initialization for existing unsupervised text-based word translation techniques, forming the basis for our proposed hybrid visual-text mapping algorithm, MUVE; and (iii) our approach achieves superior performance by addressing the shortcomings of text-based methods -- it is more robust, handles datasets with less commonality, and is applicable to low-resource languages.

Translation Visual Grounding +1

Controllable Attention for Structured Layered Video Decomposition

no code implementations ICCV 2019 Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, João Carreira, Relja Arandjelović, Andrew Zisserman

The objective of this paper is to be able to separate a video into its natural layers, and to control which of the separated layers to attend to.

Action Recognition Reflection Removal

The Visual Centrifuge: Model-Free Layered Video Representations

1 code implementation CVPR 2019 Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, João Carreira, Andrew Zisserman

True video understanding requires making sense of non-lambertian scenes where the color of light arriving at the camera sensor encodes information about not just the last object it collided with, but about multiple mediums -- colored windows, dirty mirrors, smoke or rain.

Color Constancy Video Understanding

Shape and Symmetry Induction for 3D Objects

no code implementations24 Nov 2015 Shubham Tulsiani, Abhishek Kar, Qi-Xing Huang, João Carreira, Jitendra Malik

Actions as simple as grasping an object or navigating around it require a rich understanding of that object's 3D shape from a given viewpoint.

General Classification Object

Amodal Completion and Size Constancy in Natural Scenes

no code implementations ICCV 2015 Abhishek Kar, Shubham Tulsiani, João Carreira, Jitendra Malik

We consider the problem of enriching current object detection systems with veridical object sizes and relative depth estimates from a single image.

Object object-detection +3

Pose Induction for Novel Object Categories

1 code implementation ICCV 2015 Shubham Tulsiani, João Carreira, Jitendra Malik

We address the task of predicting pose for objects of unannotated object categories from a small seed set of annotated object classes.


Category-Specific Object Reconstruction from a Single Image

no code implementations CVPR 2015 Abhishek Kar, Shubham Tulsiani, João Carreira, Jitendra Malik

Object reconstruction from a single image -- in the wild -- is a problem where we can make progress and get meaningful results today.

Object object-detection +2

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