7 code implementations • 5 Oct 2022 • Silvio Giancola, Anthony Cioppa, Adrien Deliège, Floriane Magera, Vladimir Somers, Le Kang, Xin Zhou, Olivier Barnich, Christophe De Vleeschouwer, Alexandre Alahi, Bernard Ghanem, Marc Van Droogenbroeck, Abdulrahman Darwish, Adrien Maglo, Albert Clapés, Andreas Luyts, Andrei Boiarov, Artur Xarles, Astrid Orcesi, Avijit Shah, Baoyu Fan, Bharath Comandur, Chen Chen, Chen Zhang, Chen Zhao, Chengzhi Lin, Cheuk-Yiu Chan, Chun Chuen Hui, Dengjie Li, Fan Yang, Fan Liang, Fang Da, Feng Yan, Fufu Yu, Guanshuo Wang, H. Anthony Chan, He Zhu, Hongwei Kan, Jiaming Chu, Jianming Hu, Jianyang Gu, Jin Chen, João V. B. Soares, Jonas Theiner, Jorge De Corte, José Henrique Brito, Jun Zhang, Junjie Li, Junwei Liang, Leqi Shen, Lin Ma, Lingchi Chen, Miguel Santos Marques, Mike Azatov, Nikita Kasatkin, Ning Wang, Qiong Jia, Quoc Cuong Pham, Ralph Ewerth, Ran Song, RenGang Li, Rikke Gade, Ruben Debien, Runze Zhang, Sangrok Lee, Sergio Escalera, Shan Jiang, Shigeyuki Odashima, Shimin Chen, Shoichi Masui, Shouhong Ding, Sin-wai Chan, Siyu Chen, Tallal El-Shabrawy, Tao He, Thomas B. Moeslund, Wan-Chi Siu, Wei zhang, Wei Li, Xiangwei Wang, Xiao Tan, Xiaochuan Li, Xiaolin Wei, Xiaoqing Ye, Xing Liu, Xinying Wang, Yandong Guo, YaQian Zhao, Yi Yu, YingYing Li, Yue He, Yujie Zhong, Zhenhua Guo, Zhiheng Li
The SoccerNet 2022 challenges were the second annual video understanding challenges organized by the SoccerNet team.
1 code implementation • 15 Jun 2022 • João V. B. Soares, Avijit Shah
Our submission was based on a recently proposed method which focuses on increasing temporal precision via a densely sampled set of detection anchors.
Ranked #5 on
Action Spotting
on SoccerNet-v2
1 code implementation • 20 May 2022 • João V. B. Soares, Avijit Shah, Topojoy Biswas
We present a model for temporally precise action spotting in videos, which uses a dense set of detection anchors, predicting a detection confidence and corresponding fine-grained temporal displacement for each anchor.
no code implementations • 8 Jan 2017 • Andrea Baraldi, João V. B. Soares
These two published sets of intuitive geometric features were selected as initial conditions by the present R&D software project, whose multi-objective goal was to accomplish: (i) a minimally dependent and maximally informative design (knowledge/information representation) of a general purpose, user and application independent dictionary of 2D shape terms provided with a physical meaning intuitive to understand by human end users and (ii) an effective (accurate, scale invariant, easy to use) and efficient implementation of 2D shape descriptors.