Search Results for author: Joachim Hornegger

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

QuaSI: Quantile Sparse Image Prior for Spatio-Temporal Denoising of Retinal OCT Data

no code implementations8 Mar 2017 Franziska Schirrmacher, Thomas Köhler, Lennart Husvogt, James G. Fujimoto, Joachim Hornegger, Andreas K. Maier

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) enables high-resolution and non-invasive 3D imaging of the human retina but is inherently impaired by speckle noise.


Mixed one-bit compressive sensing with applications to overexposure correction for CT reconstruction

no code implementations3 Jan 2017 Xiaolin Huang, Yan Xia, Lei Shi, Yixing Huang, Ming Yan, Joachim Hornegger, Andreas Maier

Aiming at overexposure correction for computed tomography (CT) reconstruction, we in this paper propose a mixed one-bit compressive sensing (M1bit-CS) to acquire information from both regular and saturated measurements.

Compressive Sensing Computed Tomography (CT) +2

Super-Resolved Retinal Image Mosaicing

no code implementations10 Feb 2016 Thomas Köhler, Axel Heinrich, Andreas Maier, Joachim Hornegger, Ralf P. Tornow

The acquisition of high-resolution retinal fundus images with a large field of view (FOV) is challenging due to technological, physiological and economic reasons.

3-D/2-D Registration of Cardiac Structures by 3-D Contrast Agent Distribution Estimation

no code implementations22 Jan 2016 Matthias Hoffmann, Christopher Kowalewski, Andreas Maier, Klaus Kurzidim, Norbert Strobel, Joachim Hornegger

Using a combination of both methods, our evaluation on 11 well-contrasted clinical datasets yielded an error of 7. 9+/-6. 3 mm over all frames.


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